
This option specifies the input binary file.

[Specification format]

-Binary=suboption[, ...]
  suboption := file(section[:alignment][/attribute][,symbol])



Interpretation when omitted


[Detailed description]


This option specifies input binary file file.
If multiple files are specified, delimit them with a comma (,).


If the extension is omitted from the input file specification, it is assumed that ".bin" has been specified.


Input binary data is allocated as the data of specified section section.
Specify the section address by the -start option.
An error will occur if section is omitted.


When symbol symbol is specified, it can be linked as a defined symbol.
For a variable name referenced by a C program, add "_" at the head of the reference name in the program.


The section specified by this option can have its section attribute and number of alignment specified.


CODE or DATA can be specified as section attribute attribute.

If attribute is omitted, the write, read, and execute attributes will be all valid by default. [V1.04 or earlier]


CALLT0, CODE, TEXT, TEXTF, TEXTF_UNIT64KP, CONST, CONSTF, SDATA, DATA, DATAF, OPT_BYTE, or SECUR_ID can be specified as the section attribute attribute. CODE becomes the same as the relocation attribute of TEXT. If a name other than ".option_byte" is specified for the section name while OPT_BYTE is specified, an error will occur. If a name other than ".security_id" is specified for the section name while SECUR_ID is specified, an error will occur.

If attribute is omitted, the write, read, and execute attributes will all be valid by default. [V1.05 or later]


The value that can be specified for number of alignment alignment is a power of 2 (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, or 32).
Other value cannot be specified.
If alignment is omitted, "1" will be valid by default.



The binary file specified by this option can be allocated to only addresses 0 to 0x0FFFF. [V1.04 or earlier]
Generate an assembler source code like that shown below to change the section attribute to the desired attribute, such as for allocating the binary file to an address greater than address 0x10000.


[Example of use]


b.bin is allocated from 0x200 as the .D1bin section.
c.bin is allocated after .D1bin as the .D2bin section (with the number of alignment = 4).
The c.bin data is linked as defined symbol "_datab".
To perform the above operations, describe as:

>rlink a.obj -start=.D*/200 -binary=b.bin(.D1bin),c.bin(.D2bin:4,_datab)



If the -form={object|library} option or -strip option is specified, this option will be invalid.


If input object file is not specified, this option cannot be specified.