2.5.3 Link options

This section explains options for the link phase.


Caution about options are shown below.


Uppercase characters and lowercase characters are not distinguished for options.


Uppercase characters in options and parameters indicate that they can be specified as abbreviations for options and parameters.
The characters after the uppercase characters can be omitted.


For example, -FOrm=Absolute can be specified as follows.



When a file name is specified as a parameter, "(" and ")" cannot be used.


When link options are specified for the ccrl command, the -lnkopt option must be used.


The types and explanations for options are shown below.

Table 2.8

Link Options




Input control


This option specifies the input file.


This option specifies the input library file.


This option specifies the input binary file.


This option defines an undefined symbol forcedly.


This option specifies the execution start address.

Output control


This option specifies the output format.


This option outputs debug information to the output file.


This option does not output the debug information.


This option specifies the size of the data record to be output.

-END_RECORD [V1.05 or later]

This option specifies the end record.


This option specifies the section that maps symbols from ROM to RAM.


This option specifies the output file.


This option fills the vacant area of the output range.


This option output information messages.


This option suppresses the output of information


This option notifies the symbol that is not referenced.


This option specifies the maximum byte count for a data record.


Fixes the format of data records to be output.


This option fills in data at the end of a section.


This option specifies whether to perform the CRC


This option stores an address value in the unused areas in the vector table.


This option stores address values in the specified areas in the vector table.

-SPLIT_VECT [V1.07 or later]

This option generates split vector table sections.


This option outputs the variable/function information file.

-CFI [Professional Edition only] [V1.06 or later]

Generates the function list for use in detecting illegal indirect function calls.

-CFI_ADD_Func [Professional Edition only] [V1.06 or later]

Specifies the symbol or address of a function to be added to the function list for use in detecting illegal indirect function calls.

-CFI_IGNORE_Module [Professional Edition only] [V1.06 or later]

Specifies modules which are to be exempted from the function list for use in detecting illegal indirect function calls.

List output


This option outputs the list file.


This option specifies information that is output to the list file.



This option specifies whether to execute
inter-module optimization.


This option disables inter-module optimization.


This option disables optimization for the specified


This option disables optimization regarding address + size specification.

-SYmbol_forbid [V1.02 or later]

This option specifies unreferenced symbols that are not to be deleted.

Section specification


This option specifies the start address of the section.


This option outputs external defined symbols to the symbol address file.


This option specifies the value set for the user option bytes.


This option specifies the control value for the on-chip debug.


This option specifies a security ID value.


This option automatically allocates sections.


This option specifies the OCD monitor area.


This option specifies the work area for the RRM/DMM function.


This option disables allocation of a section to the self RAM area.


This option outputs a warning message when a section is allocated to the self RAM area.


This option disables allocation of a section to the trace RAM and self RAM areas.


This option outputs a warning message when a section is allocated to the trace RAM and self RAM areas.


This option disables allocation of a section to the hot plug-in RAM, trace RAM, and self RAM areas.


This option outputs a warning message when a section is allocated to the hot plug-in RAM, trace RAM, and self RAM areas.

Verify specification


This option checks the consistency of the address to which the section is allocated.


This option checks the device file specified when creating an object file.


This option disables checking whether an allocated section exceeds the (64K-1)-byte boundary.


This option disables checking of the consistency between the address to which the section is allocated and the address information in a device file.

-CHECK_OUTPUT_ROM_AREA [V1.07 or later]

This option checks whether the output address of a HEX file ranges in internal ROM or the data flash area.

Subcommand file specification


This option specifies options with a subcommand file.

Microcontroller specification


This option specifies the device file name.



This option outputs the S9 record at the end.


This option outputs the stack information file.


This option compresses the debug information.


This option does not compress the debug information.


This option specifies the memory size occupied during linking.


This option changes an external symbol name or a
section name.


This option deletes an external symbol name or a library module.


This option replaces library modules.


This option extracts library modules.


This option deletes debug information in the load
module file or library file.


This option changes the type of information, warning, and error messages.


This option deletes local symbol name information from the output file.


This option displays the total size of sections after the linking to the standard error output.


This option outputs the copyright notice.


This option suppresses the output of the copyright notice.


This option executes option strings specified before this option.


This option specifies the end of option specifications.