This option executes option strings specified before this option.

[Specification format]




Interpretation when omitted


[Detailed description]


This option executes option strings specified before this option.
After link processing is terminated, option strings specified before this option are input and link processing is continued.



This option can be used only in a subcommand file.

[Example of use]


Create subcommand file "sub.txt" with the following content.

input=a.obj,b.obj                       ;(1)
start=.SEC1,.SEC2,.SEC3/100,.SEC4/8000  ;(2)
output=a.abs                            ;(3)
input=a.abs                             ;(4)
form=stype                              ;(5)
output=a.mot                            ;(6)


To specify subcommand file sub.txt, describe as:

>rlink -subcommand=sub.txt


Processing from (1) to (3) are executed and a.abs is output.

Then processing from (4) to (6) are executed and a.mot is output.