Inline expansion of function (#pragma inline, #pragma noinline)

This notifies the compiler of an inline function.



#pragma inline declares a function to be expanded inline.


#pragma noinline declares a function whose inline expansion is to be stopped when the -Oinline_level option is used.


If both #pragma inline and #pragma noinline are specified for the same function within a single translation unit, an error will occur.


The #pragma inline directive should be written before the definition of the target function within the translation unit that includes the function definition.


#pragma inline has the same function as keyword __inline. For details of inline expansion, see "Specifying inline function (__inline)".



#pragma inline and #pragma noinline are declared before the target functions.

#pragma inline      [(]function-name [,...][)]
#pragma noinline    [(]function-name [,...][)]


extern int      gi;
#pragma inline  i_func
static int i_func(int i)
        return ++i;
void func(int j)
        gi = i_func(j);