
Object copy


Standard library


#include <string.h>

void __near * __far memcpy(void __near *s1, const void __near *s2, size_t n); (C90)

void __near * __far memcpy(void __near * restrict s1, const void __near * restrict s2, size_t n); (C99) [V1.07 or later]

void __far * __far _COM_memcpy_ff(void __far *s1, const void __far *s2, size_t n); (C90)

void __far * __far _COM_memcpy_ff(void __far * restrict s1, const void __far * restrict s2, size_t n); (C99) [V1.07 or later]

[Return value]

Returns the value of s1.


This function copies the n number of characters from a object indicated by s2 to a object indicated by s1.

The operation is undefined if the copy source and copy destination areas overlap.


The memcpy function may be internally called by CC-RL and is included in the runtime library. Do not create a user function having the name memcpy.