
< Optimizing Linkage Editor (rlink) Options / Other Options >





Deletes local symbol name information from the output file. Since all the name information regarding local symbols is deleted, local symbol names cannot be checked even if the file is opened with a binary editor. This option does not affect the operation of the generated file.


Use this option to keep the local symbol names secret.


The following types of symbol names are hidden:


C source: Variable or function names specified with the static qualifiers


C source: Label names for the goto statements


Assembly source: Symbol names of which external definition (reference) symbols are not declared


The entry function name is not hidden.




The following is a C source example in which this option is valid:

int g1;
int g2=1;
const int g3=3;
static int s1;           //<- The static variable name will be hidden.
static int s2=1;         //<- The static variable name will be hidden.
static const int s3=2;   //<- The static variable name will be hidden.
static int sub1()        //<- The static function name will be hidden.
    static int s1;       //<- The static variable name will be hidden.
    int l1;
    s1 = l1; l1 = s1;
int main()
    if (g1==1)
        goto L1;
L1:                      //<- The label name of the goto statement will be hidden.



This option is available only when the output file format is specified as absolute, relocate, or library.


When the input file was compiled or assembled with the goptimize option specified, this option is unavailable if the output file format is specified as relocate or library.


To use this option with the external variable access optimization, do not use this option for the first linkage, and use it only for the second linkage.


The symbol names in the debugging information are not deleted by this option.