2.3.2 Confirming the status

When the License Manager window opens, it displays a list of valid registered licenses in the licenses area.

Figure 2.1

License Manager Window


The license name is displayed by a bold font, and the license status is indicated by an icon.


In use as a Node Locked License (permanent).


In use as a Node Locked License (annual).


In use as a Node Locked License (annual) (the expiration date is approaching).


This Node Locked License (annual) is no longer available because it is out of date.


Using as the floating license.


Using as the offline license.


If the displayed contents of the GUI are old, click the [Refresh] button to update the displayed information.

Figure 2.2

Refresh the Displayed Information


And click the license name. The license status is displayed in the bottom part of the window.

Figure 2.3

Detailed Information for the License Status


The following functionality will be restricted if a license is not registered.



Evaluation Period




Depending on the type of MCU, the free evaluation version is subject to the following limitations:

[RH850 Family]

The size of linkable object is limited to 256 KB. The functions of professional edition aren't supported.

[RX Family]

The size of linkable object is limited to 128 KB. The functions of professional edition aren't supported.

[RL78 Family]

The size of linkable object is limited to 64 KB. The functions of professional edition aren't supported.

60 Days

Expires 60 days after the first build following the initial installation of the evaluation version.

Fully functional during the evaluation period.

The size of linkable object is reduced to 64KB or less and the functions of professional edition aren't supported on or after the 61st day.





Depending on the type of MCU, the free evaluation version is subject to the following limitations:

[V850 Family]

The maximum object size that can be generated is 256 KB.

[RL78 Family, 78K0R, 78K0]

The scope of available memory is restricted to 64 KB of the internal ROM (0-FFFFh) and to the internal RAM.

No time limit

(The size of a linkable object is limited.)