2.3.4 Output library information

The library information (i.e. information on the result of linkage) is output to the library list file.

Select the build tool node on the project tree and select the [Librarian Options] tab on the Property panel.

The setting to output a library list file is made with the [List] category.

Figure 2.18

[Outputs the linkage list file] Property


To output the library list file, select [Yes (List contents=specify) (-LISt)] in the [Outputs the linkage list file] property.

When outputting the library list file, you can select the contents of the library list output by the linker.


When outputting a symbol name list in a module

Select [Yes (-SHow=SYmbol)] in the [Outputs a symbol name list in a module] property.


When outputting a section list in a module

Select [Yes (-SHow=SEction)] in the [Outputs a section list in a module] property.


See "CC-RX Compiler User's Manual" for the library list file.