11.1 Volatile Qualifier

When a variable is declared with the volatile qualifier, the variable is not optimized and optimization for assigning the variable to a register is no longer performed. When a variable with volatile specified is manipulated, a code that always reads the value of the variable from memory and writes the value to memory after the variable is manipulated is output. The access width of the variable with volatile specified is not changed.

A variable for which volatile is not specified is assigned to a register as a result of optimization and the code that loads the variable from the memory may be deleted. When the same value is assigned to variables for which volatile is not specified, the instruction may be deleted as a result of optimization because it is interpreted as a redundant instruction. The volatile qualifier must be specified especially for variables that access a peripheral I/O register, variables whose value is changed by interrupt servicing, or variables whose value is changed by an external source.

The following problem may occur if volatile is not specified where it should.


The correct calculation result cannot be obtained.


Execution cannot exit from a loop if the variable is used in a for loop.


The order in which instructions are executed differs from the intended order.


The number times memory is accessed and the width of access are not as intended.


If it is clear that the value of a variable with volatile specified is not changed from outside in a specific section, the code can be optimized by assigning the unchanged value to a variable for which volatile not specified and referencing it, which may increase the execution speed.


Source and output code if volatile is not specified

If volatile is not specified for "variable a", "variable b", and "variable c", these variables are assigned to registers and optimized. For example, even if an interrupt occurs in the meantime and the variable value is changed by the interrupt, the changed value is not reflected.

int a;
int b;
void func(void){
    if(a <= 0){
    } else {
        MOVHI   HIGHW1(#_a), R0, R6
        LD.W    LOWW(#_a)[R6], R6
        CMP     0x00000000, R6
        MOVHI   HIGHW1(#_b), R0, R6
        LD.W    LOWW(#_b)[R6], R6
        BGT     .BB1_2          ; bb3
.BB1_1:     ; bb1
        ADD     0x00000001, R6
        BR      .BB1_3          ; bb9
.BB1_2:     ; bb3
        ADD     0x00000002, R6
.BB1_3:     ; bb9
        ADD     0x00000001, R6
        MOVHI   HIGHW1(#_b), R0, R7
        ST.W    R6, LOWW(#_b)[R7]
        JMP     [R31]


Source and output code if volatile is specified

If volatile is specified for "variable a", "variable b", and "variable c", a code that always reads the values of these variables from memory and writes them to memory after the variables are manipulated is output. For example, even if, an interrupt occurs in the meantime and the values of the variables are changed by the interrupt, the result in which the change is reflected can be obtained. (In this case, interrupts may have to be disabled while the variables are manipulated, depending on the timing of the interrupt.)

When volatile is specified, the code size increases compared with when volatile is not specified because the memory has to be read and written.

volatile int a;
volatile int b;
void func(void){
    if(a <= 0){
    } else {
        MOVHI   HIGHW1(#_a), R0, R6
        LD.W    LOWW(#_a)[R6], R6
        CMP     0x00000000, R6
        BGT     .BB1_2          ; bb3
.BB1_1:    ; bb1
        MOVHI   HIGHW1(#_b), R0, R6
        LD.W    LOWW(#_b)[R6], R6
        ADD     0x00000001, R6
        BR      .BB1_3          ; bb9
.BB1_2:    ; bb3
        MOVHI   HIGHW1(#_b), R0, R6
        LD.W    LOWW(#_b)[R6], R6
        ADD     0x00000002, R6
.BB1_3:    ; bb9
        MOVHI   HIGHW1(#_b), R0, R7
        ST.W    R6, LOWW(#_b)[R7]
        LD.W    LOWW(#_b)[R7], R6
        ADD     0x00000001, R6
        ST.W    R6, LOWW(#_b)[R7]
        JMP     [R31]