[Debug Tool Settings] tab

In the [Debug Tool Settings] tab, you configure the basic settings of the debug tool for each one of the following categories.


(1) [Memory]

(2) [Access Memory While Running]

(3) [Register]

(4) [Break]

(5) [System]

(6) [Trace]

(7) [Timer] [RX600 series]

(8) [Coverage] [RX71M, RX66x, RX65x, and RX64M Groups]




You can configure the memory in this category.

Figure 2.36

[Memory] Category


[Memory mappings]

Current memory mapping status is displayed in detail for each type of memory area.

It is not possible to change mapping on this panel.

To add or delete an I/O protection area, select the [Memory mappings] property and click on the [...] button that appears on the right to open the Memory Mapping dialog box. For details on how to change settings, refer to the section of the Memory Mapping dialog box.

This property displays only the number of memory areas.

Expanding the [Memory mappings] property will display the following sub-items.


[Memory type]

Indicates the memory type of the corresponding area.

Each memory type corresponds to the following areas.

On-chip ROM area

Program ROMNote 1 and data flashNote 2

On-chip RAM area

On-chip RAMNote 4

I/O registers area

Peripheral I/O register

Divided into areas with different endians for display

External area(CS7/CS6/.../CS0)

External address space

CS0 to CS7 are displayed separately

Other memory area

FCU-RAMNote 3, FCU firmwareNote 3, user boot

Reserved area

Areas other than those listed above

I/O protection area

Address range in an external area that is not read by the debugger. Register this area in the Memory Mapping dialog box.

Note 1.

If data in the on-chip flash ROM area is changed by means other than downloading (e.g. by manipulating it via the Memory panel or line assembling), the flash ROM reflects this change next time the user program is run.

Note 2.

If an attempt is made to reference data in erased data flash ROM, only undefined values are displayed due to the specifications of the microcontroller. If the debugger is used to write to the data flash ROM, on the other hand, data is written in 256-byte units. Written areas do not hold undefined values.

Note 3.

Do not use the debugger to write to FCU-RAM. The FCU firmware area also cannot be written by the debugger.

Note 4.

[RX71M, RX66x, RX65x, and RX64M Groups]
The area including the option setting memory areas listed below is displayed as an on-chip RAM area. Note that values cannot be specified in this area through the memory panel.


SPCC Serial Programmer Command Control Reg.


OSIS OCD/Serial Programmer ID Setting Reg.


Endian select registers (MDE)


Option function select register 0 (OFS0)


Option function select register 1 (OFS1)


[Start address]
Displays the start address of the corresponding area.


[End address]
Displays the end address of the corresponding area.


[Access width[bits]]
Displays the address width of the corresponding area.
When [Memory type] is an external area, the access width can only be changed when the debug tool is disconnected


Displays the endians of the external area and the I/O register area.
When [Memory type] is an external area, the endian can only be changed when the debug tool is disconnected.


Connecting to a debug tool (see "2.4.1 Connect the debug tool to CS+") will display details for each memory type.


[Verify on writing to memory]

Specify whether to perform a verify check when the memory value is initialized from the drop-down list.

Select [Yes] to perform verification after download or when values are changed in the Watch panel/ Memory panel.


[Access Memory While Running]

You can configure the memory access while executing a program in this category.

The settings of this category are required when using the real-time display update function. See " Displaying and changing memory contents during program execution" for details on the real-time display update function.

Figure 2.37

[Access Memory While Running] Category [E20(Serial)] [E20(JTAG)[RX200 Series]]

Figure 2.38

[Access Memory While Running] Category [E20(JTAG)[RX600 Series]]


[Access by stopping execution]

Specify from the drop-down list whether to allow access to the memory area while executing a program.

Select [Yes] to allow access ([No] is selected by default).


[Update the display during execution]

Specify whether to update the display in the Watch panel/Memory panel while executing a program.

Select [Yes] to update the display (default).


You cannot change this property while the program is in execution.


[Update interval[ms]]

This property is displayed only when the [Update the display during execution] property is set to [Yes].

Specify the interval in 100ms unit to update the contents in the Watch panel/Memory panel display while executing a program.

Directly enter the Integer number between 100 and 65500 (rounding up the fractions less than 100ms) ([500] is specified by default).

Note that if you've changed the specified value of the [Update the display during execution] property from [No] to [Yes], the previous set value is displayed in this property.


You cannot change this property while the program is in execution.


[Enable the automatic update of realtime display]

Specify whether to set RRM area automatically.

This property is displayed only when you have selected [Real-time RAM Monitor] in the [Usage of trace function] property. If you have selected [Trace] there, [No] is displayed instead.


You cannot change this property while the program is in execution.



In this category, make settings related to PC display in the Status bar during program execution.

Figure 2.39

[Register] Category


[PC display during the execution]

This property specifies whether the PC value is displayed in the Status bar during program execution.

When you select [No], the Status bar under execution will show "Running."

Caution 1.

You cannot change this property while the program is in execution.

Caution 2.

[RX100 Series]
This property is hidden because these microcontrollers do not support display of the PC value in the status bar during program execution.


[Display update interval for PC[ms]]

This property is displayed only when you've selected [Yes] in the [PC display during the execution] property.

During program execution, specify a PC display updating interval in the Status bar in 100 ms units.

Enter an integer directly in the range 100 to 65500 (with fractions below 100 ms rounded up). (By default, [500] is specified.)

Note that if you've changed the specified value of the [PC display during the execution] property from [No] to [Yes], the previous set value is displayed in this property.


You cannot change this property while the program is in execution.



You can configure the break function in this category.

Figure 2.40

[Break] Category


[Type of breakpoints to be preferentially used]

Specify from the following drop-down list the type of preferential breakpoint to be used with a single click of the mouse in the Editor panel/Disassemble panel.

When setting a break point after the preferential break point type has been used up, the other break point type will be automatically selected.

See "2.10.2 Stop the program at the arbitrary position (breakpoint)" for details on breakpoints.

Software break

Sets software breakpoint preferentially.

Hardware break

Sets hardware breakpoint preferentially (default).



You can configure the emulation system in this category.

For more information regarding the execution of a specified routine before the execution and after the break of a program, see "2.9.4 Execute a specified routine [E1] [E20] [EZ Emulator]".

Figure 2.41

[System] Category


[Debug the program re-writing the on-chip PROGRAM ROM]

Specify whether to debug programs that rewrite on-chip program ROM area, such as those that use ROM P/E mode.


You cannot change this property while connected to E20.


[Debug the program re-writing the on-chip DATA FLASH]

Specify whether to debug programs that rewrite on-chip data flash area, such as those that use data flash P/E mode.


You cannot change this property while connected to E20.


[Execute the specified routine immediately before execution of the user program]

Specify whether to execute a specified routine before executing the user program.


You cannot change this property while the program is in execution.


[Routine to run immediately before execution starts]

Specify the address to be executed immediately before the user program execution. This property is displayed only when [Execute the specified routine immediately before execution of the user program] property is set to [Yes].


You cannot change this property while the program is in execution.


[Execute the specified routine immediately after the user program stops]

Specify whether to execute a specified routine after the user program break.


You cannot change this property while the program is in execution.


[Routine to run immediately after execution stops]

Specify the address to be executed immediately after the user program break. This property is displayed only when [Execute the specified routine immediately after the user program stops] property is set to [Yes]


You cannot change this property while the program is in execution.


[Work RAM start address for executing a specified routine]

Specify the address where the work RAM for use in execution of the specified routine starts. Specify an address value that is a multiple of four bytes. If the entered value is not a multiple of four bytes, the value is automatically corrected. The amount of memory indicated by the [Work RAM size [bytes] for executing a specified routine] property beginning with this address is to be used by the debugger firmware.

This property is displayed only when you have selected [Yes] either for the [Execute the specified routine immediately before execution of the user program] or [Execute the specified routine immediately after the user program stops] property.

Caution 1.

You cannot change this property while the program is in execution.

Caution 2.

Specify the range of memory that is not used by the user program.


[Work RAM size [bytes] for executing a specified routine]

Indicates the size of the work RAM for use in execution of the specified routine.

This property is displayed only when you have selected [Yes] either for the [Execute the specified routine immediately before execution of the user program] or [Execute the specified routine immediately after the user program stops] property.



You can configure the trace function in this category.

Figure 2.42

[Trace] Category


[Usage of trace function]

Specify whether to use it as real-time RAM monitor function (RRM function) utilizing the trace function. If you select [Real-time RAM Monitor], part of the trace functions will be disabled.

For details on applicable restrictions, see " Displaying and changing memory contents during program execution".

This property can be changed only when the program is not running.


To use the real-time RAM monitor function, the E20 and the target board must be connected via a 38-pin JTAG cable. If the E20 and the target board are connected in any other way or via the 38-pin to 14-pin conversion adapter, select [Trace].


[Operation after trace memory is full]

Select the trace acquisition mode from the following drop-down list.

Overwrite trace memory and continue execution

Continues overwriting the older trace data after the trace memory is full.

Stop trace

Stops writing the trace data after the trace memory is full.


Breaks after the trace memory is full.


[E20(JTAG) [RX600 Series]]
If you have selected [Real-time RAM Monitor] in [Usage of trace function] property, the property value is displayed as [Overwrite trace memory and continue execution] and becomes unchangeable.


[Trace data type]

Select the type of data for which trace is to be acquired from the drop-down list.

The type of data that can be selected differs depending on the series of the microcontroller.

Following data types are displayed in the drop-down list.


[RX66x, RX65N-2M, and RX651-2M Groups]

Branch, Branch + Data access, Data access, Branch + Data access (without Access data), or Data access (without Access data)


[RX600 Series]
Branch, Branch + Data access, Data access


[RX100, RX200 Series]
Branch, Data access


[E20(JTAG) [RX600 Series]]
If you have selected [Real-time RAM Monitor] in [Usage of trace function] property, the property value is displayed as [Data access] and becomes unchangeable.


[Start address for trace area without access data][RX65N-2M and RX651-2M Group]

Specify the start address for the trace area without access data.


[End address for trace area without access data][RX65N-2M and RX651-2M Group]

Specify the end address for the trace area without access data.


[Bus master of data access] [RX71M, RX66x, RX65x, and RX64M Groups]

Select the bus master which generated the data access.

This property is displayed only when [Branch+Data access] or [Data access] is specified in the [Trace data type] property.

The following bus masters are displayed in the drop-down list.


CPU (default), DMAC/DTC


When [Trace] is selected in the [Usage of trace function] property,

for data access tracing, only the trace results of data access from the specified bus master are displayed on the trace panel.

Caution 1.

This property setting cannot be changed during program execution.

Caution 2.

When [Real-time RAM Monitor] is selected in the [Usage of trace function] property, The bus master is fixed to [CPU] and cannot be changed.

Caution 3.

For an microcontroller that does not have the function for selecting the Bus master of data access, the [Bus master of data access] [RX71M, RX66x, RX65x, and RX64M Groups] property is not displayed. In this case, the bus master is fixed to [CPU].


[External trace output][E20(JTAG)]

From the following drop-down list, select the method in which to externally output the trace acquisition data.

CPU execution

CPU execution given priority over trace output. Trace information may be lost if output.

Trace output

Trace output given priority over CPU execution. CPU execution stops during trace output, affecting real-time performance.

Do not output

Only the internal buffer of the microcontroller will be used, with no output of trace information.

Caution 1.

If you have selected [Real-time RAM Monitor] in [Usage of trace function] property, [Do not output] cannot be selected from the drop-down list.

Caution 2.

If Step in is executed when [CPU execution] or [Trace output] is specified and trace data is being displayed on the Trace panel, correct trace data may not always be displayed.

Caution 3.

[RX71M, RX66x, RX65x, and RX64M Groups]
When this property is changed from [Do not output] to [CPU execution] or [Trace output], the timer measurement results are initialized.


[Trace memory size[MByte]][E20(JTAG)]

Specify the size of memory used to retain the trace data.

The following memory sizes are displayed in the drop-down list.


1 (default), 2, 4, 8, 16, 32


If you have selected [Real-time RAM Monitor] in [Usage of trace function] property, the property value is displayed as [1] and becomes unchangeable.


[Output timestamp]

Specify whether timestamp information is added to the trace data to be collected.

This property is selectable only when you've specified [Trace] in the [Usage of trace function] property.

The change options in this property vary depending on the microcontroller series and the specified value of [Trace data type] property, as follows:


Data type

Change options

RX66x, RX65N-2M, and RX651-2M Group

Branch, Branch + Data access,
Data access, Branch + Data access (without Access data), Data access (without Access data)

Changeable only when program is halted.

RX600 Series

Branch, Branch+Data access,
Data access

Changeable only when program is halted.

RX200 Series


Not changeable.

[No] is always displayed.

Data access

Changeable only when program is halted.

RX100 Series

Branch, Data access

Not changeable.

[No] is always displayed.


[Trace clock count source[MHz]]

This property is displayed only when you've specified [Yes] in the [Output timestamp] property.

Enter a count source with which a timestamp value is calculated from a count value.

To specify this, enter a value directly in the range 0.0001 to 999.999.

Note that if this property is blank, the set value of the [Operating frequency [MHz]] property in the [Clock] category of a [Connect Settings] tab is used in place of the count source.

Caution 1.

You cannot change this property while the program is in execution.

Caution 2.

The property's set value is not reflected in the trace data that has already been collected. The property you've set is reflected beginning with the trace data that is Division ratio of trace clock count source collected after it is set.


[Division ratio of trace clock count source][RX71M, RX66x, RX65x, and RX64M Groups]

Specify the division ratio of trace clock count source for the timestamp.

This property is displayed only when [Yes] is selected in the [Output timestamp] property.

Select the frequency division ratio for the timestamp count source from the drop-down list.

The following frequency division ratios are displayed in the drop-down list.


1/1, 1/16, 1/256, 1/4096


The frequency specified in the [Trace clock count source[MHz]] property is divided by the specified value (the frequency is multiplied by 1/n) and one cycle of the obtained frequency is used as the unit for timestamp count (the frequency for count value 1).

Caution 1.

This property setting cannot be changed during program execution.

Caution 2.

For an microcontroller that does not have the function for dividing the timestamp frequency for tracing, the [Division ratio of trace clock count source][RX71M, RX66x, RX65x, and RX64M Groups] property is not displayed. In this case, the division ratio is fixed to [1/1]


[Timer] [RX600 series]

You can configure the timer function in this category.

Figure 2.43

[Timer] Category


[Use 64bit counter]

Specify whether to use two 32-bit counters or one 64-bit counter.


[Coverage] [RX71M, RX66x, RX65x, and RX64M Groups]

You can configure the coverage function in this category.

See "2.15 Measure Coverage [Simulator] [E20 [RX71M, RX66x, RX65x, and RX64M Groups]]" for details on the coverage function and this category configuration.