Editing a timer measurement event [E1] [E20] [EZ Emulator]

To edit detailed information on a timer measurement event that has had start and end events set, use the Detailed Settings of Timer Measurement dialog box [E1] [E20] [EZ Emulator]. This dialog box is opened by selecting the timer measurement event you wish to edit on the Events panel then selecting [Edit Condition ...] from the context menu.


To edit a measurement item

In the Detailed Settings of Timer Measurement dialog box, a measurement item can be specified from the following.

Measurement item


Execution cycle Note

Measures the number of elapsed cycles (ICLK) in a specified section.

Execution cycle (Supervisor mode)

Measures the number of elapsed cycles (ICLK) while operating in supervisor mode.

Exception and interrupt cycle

Measures the number of cycles (ICLK) needed to process interrupts (including exceptions).

Exception cycle

Measures the number of cycles (ICLK) needed to process exceptions.

Interrupt cycle

Measures the number of cycles (ICLK) needed to process interrupts.

Execution count

Measures the number of instructions that have their execution completed.

Exception and interrupt count

Measures the number of times interrupts, including exceptions, were accepted.

Exception count

Measures the number of times exceptions occurred.

Interrupt count

Measures the number of times interrupts were accepted.


[RX200 Series]
Only [Execution cycle] is displayed for the measurement item.

Remark 1.

The total execution time is measured when [Execution cycle], [Exception and interrupt cycle], [Exception cycle], or [Interrupt cycle] is selected.

Remark 2.

The number of passes (pass count) is measured when [Execution count], [Exception and interrupt count], [Exception count], or [Interrupt count] is selected.

Remark 3.

Measurement of average, maximum, and minimum execution times is not available.


To edit the [Execution only once] property

When you specify [Yes] for the [Execution only once] property, the timer measurement is finished by measuring a specified section only once. If you want to measure a total number of times a specified section has been passed, be sure to specify [No].


[RX600 Series]
While the measurement listed below is performed, even if the start event and end event occur, if the condition for measurement is not satisfied even once, the results of measurement will not be displayed.
- Execution count
- Exception and interrupt count
- Exception count
- Interrupt count


[RX600 Series]
If you specify [Yes], the timer measurement will be suspended when the timer start event occurs twice even though the timer end event has not occurred.