Searching I/O register

You can search the name of I/O register.

In the search area, specify the name of I/O register (case-insensitive) in the text box.

You can either enter characters directly from the keyboard (up to 512 characters) or select from the input history items in the drop-down list (up to 10 items).

Click one of the following buttons.


Searches I/O register names containing the character string specified in the text box in the backward direction and highlights the search result.


Searches I/O register names containing the character string specified in the text box in the forward direction and highlights the search result.

Remark 1.

I/O register names which are categorized in folders and hidden are also searched (They will be expanded and selected.).

Remark 2.

After entering the search string, pressing [Enter] key will perform the same function as clicking on the button, and pressing [Shift]+[Enter] will perform the same function as clicking on the button.