[General - Build] category
Use this category to configure general setting relating to building.
Figure A.44 | Option Dialog Box ([General - Build] Category) |
The following items are explained here.
[How to open]
- | From the [Tool] menu, select [Options...]. |
[Description of each area]
Enables the rapid buildNote feature (default).
Does not use the rapid build feature.
Note | This feature automatically begins a build when the source file being edited is saved.
Enabling this feature makes it possible to perform builds while editing source files.
If this feature is used, we recommend saving frequently after editing source files.
For details on the rapid build feature, see the following.
(a) | [Observe registered files changing] |
Start s a rapid build when a source file registered in the project is edited or saved by an external text editor or the like.
Does not start a rapid build when a source file registered in the project is edited or saved by an external text editor or the like (default).
Caution 1. | The rapid build will not finish if this item is selected, and the files to be built have been registered for automatic editing or overwriting (e.g. by commands executed before or after the build).
If the rapid build does not finish, unselect this item, and stop the rapid build.
Caution 2. | If this item is selected, a file that is registered in the project but does not exist (a file grayed out) will not be observed even if it is registered again by the Explorer etc.
To observe the file, reload the project file, or select this item again after unselecting this item and closing this dialog box.
(2) | [Show dependency files in project tree] |
Displays the file group on which the source file depends on the project tree.
Does not display the file group on which the source file depends on the project tree (default).
(3) | [Output quality report file when build is successful] |
Output the quality report file when a build is successful.
Does not output the quality report file when a build is successful (default).
Remark 1. | The quality report file is not output when a debug-dedicated project is built and compiling or assembling is executed in file units. |
Remark 2. | The following information item is output to the quality report file. |
- | Time and date on which the file is created |
- | Log of the build results |
- | Information on the command file which is used during building |
- | Information on the detailed version of this product or the current project |
Remark 3. | The quality report file is output with the file name "QualityReport(project-name.build-mode-name).text" to the project folder of each project.
If a file having the same name exists, it will be overwritten.
It is also shown on the project tree, under the Build tool generated files node.
(4) | [Stop build when the number of error exceed the limit] |
Stops the build if the total number of errors at the build reaches the number specified in [Upper limit].
Does not stop the build even if the total number of errors at the build reaches the number specified in [Upper limit] (default).
Specify the upper limit of the number of errors.
Either enter a number between 1 and 10000 directly via the keyboard, or specify a number via the
buttons. The default is 100.
Note that clicking on the [OK] or [Apply] button while this item remains blank causes the tab setting to remain at the previously saved value.
(5) | [Skip build when the dependent projects has build errors] |
Checks if there is a build error in the dependent projects immediately before a project is built. When there is an error, the build of that project is skipped.
Does not check if there is a build error in the dependent projects immediately before a project is built and runs the build of that project.
(6) | [Timing of updating dependencies] |
Select the timing for automatically updating dependencies from the drop-down list of either of the following:
At the first build
Updates dependencies immediately before executing the first build after opening the project (default).
At every build
Updates dependencies immediately before executing the build.
(7) | [Output destination of the result of updating dependencies] |
Select the output destination of the result of updating dependencies from a drop-down list.
The output file indicates file dependencies in the current build mode in a text-tree format. Nodes in the tree consist of source files registered with the project and files dependent on the respective source files. The files are recursively represented in relative paths to the project folder.
No output
Does not output the result of updating dependencies (default).
Output panel
Outputs the result of updating dependencies to the Output panel.
Project folder
Outputs the result of updating dependencies to a file (*.deps).
The file is output to a folder below the project folder and having the name of the current build mode.
(8) | [Enable parallel build among projects] |
Enables a parallel build among projects (default).
Builds projects without any dependency in parallel and in a random order, and reduces the total build time.
Does not perform a parallel build among projects.
Caution | When projects should not be built in a random order, the dependency between projects needs to be set. See "2.4.7 Set the build order of projects" for the setting of the dependency between projects. |
(9) | [Use compiler for updating dependencies when the functionality is available] |
Selects use of the compiler to update dependencies when the compiler selected for the project has a facility for acquiring dependencies.
The facility for acquiring dependencies is available in CC-RH V1.00.00 and later versions, CC-RX V2.00.00 and later versions, and CC-RL V1.00.00 and later versions.
Selects updating of dependencies through the CS+ facility for acquiring dependencies rather than by use of the compiler.
Initialize Settings
Returns all currently displayed setting to their default values.
[Function buttons]
Initialize All Settings
Restores all settings on this dialog box to their default values.
Note, however, that newly added items in the [General - External Tools] category will not be removed.
Applies all setting and closes this dialog box.
Ignores the setting and closes this dialog box.
Applies all setting (does not close this dialog box).
Displays the help of this dialog box.