2.4.7 Set the build order of projects

Builds are run in the order of subproject, main project, but when there are multiple subprojects added, the build order of subprojects is their display order on the project tree.

To change the display order of the subprojects on the project tree, drag the subproject to be moved and drop it on the desired location.


However, when dependent projects have been set, builds of those projects are run first.

Dependent projects are set in the Dependent Projects Settings dialog box which is opened by selecting the [Project] menu >> [Dependent Projects Settings...].

Figure 2.24

Dependent Projects Settings Dialog Box


Select the dependent-source project in [Project], select a project to be referenced as the dependent project from a check box in [Dependent projects], and click the [OK] button.

Remark 1.

By default, an active project is selected in [Project].

Remark 2.

A cyclic-reference project is displayed in gray in [Dependent projects].

Example 1.

Builds are run in the following order when no dependent project is set.

SubProject1 -> SubProject2 -> SubProject3 -> SubProject4 -> MainProject


Example 2.

Builds are run in the following order when MainProject and SubProject2 are set as dependent projects for SubProject1 and SubProject4 is set as the dependent project for SubProject2.

SubProject4 -> SubProject2 -> MainProject -> SubProject1 -> SubProject3