2.4.12 Convert a HEW project into a CS+ project

You can convert a High-performance Embedded Workshop (hereafter abbreviated "HEW") project into a CS+ project. Select [Open Project...] from the [Project] menu with CS+, and then select a workspace file (*.hws) or project file (*.hwp).


When opening from a HEW workspace file (*.hws)


Select the project for conversion settings

When a HEW workspace file is selected, the Project Convert Setting dialog box will open.

Figure 2.33

Project Convert Setting Dialog Box


The [Project] area shows the configuration of conversion target projects as a tree; select the project for carrying out the conversion settings.


Set the conversion target project

When you select the project, the area on the right shows the conversion target project setting items.

Figure 2.34

Project Convert Setting Dialog Box (When Main Project Is Selected)

Figure 2.35

Project Convert Setting Dialog Box (When Subproject Is Selected)


After setting the microcontroller to be used for the conversion target project, and project type, name, and place of creation settings, click the [OK] button.

Caution 1.

Confirm that the microcontroller of each project is selected before clicking the [OK] button.

Caution 2.

The CPU option and section (start) option are not changed in accordance with the selected device. If the device that differs from the HEW project is selected, confirm (change) the CPU option and section (start) option after conversion.

Caution 3.

The name of a network path cannot be used for [Place]. Assign the name of a path on a drive.

Remark 1.

When only one project exists in a HEW project, a subproject is not displayed.

Remark 2.

[Select session] is displayed only when multiple sessions exist in a project.

Remark 3.

If you select [Backup the project composition files after conversion], immediately after the conversion the project source files and complete project are packed up and saved.

Remark 4.

See "Project Convert Setting dialog box" for details about each setting item.


Convert the CS+ project

The HEW project is converted to the CS+ project.


When opening from a HEW workspace file, the project is converted in accordance with the following rules.


The HEW workspace is not converted.


A HEW project will be converted into a main project or subproject, depending on the inter-project dependencies described in the workspace file.


If there are no inter-project dependencies, then the projects will be added to the project tree in the order they appear in the workspace file.


If there are inter-project dependencies, then the first project to appear that is not dependent on any other projects will be the main project.
Subprojects are built in the order that they appear in the project tree. Thus, projects are added to the project tree in the reverse of the dependency order.

Example 1.

If projects A, B, C, D have no inter-dependencies:


Example 2.

If project C depends on project A, and projects B and D have no dependencies:



HEW’s placeholders which are used in build options are replaced with CS+’s placeholders. However, the converted placeholder may not indicate the correct information because the concepts differ between HEW and CS+. Change the build options, if necessary.


After conversion, the main project file name will be "project name.mtpj" and the subproject file name will be "project name.mtsp".


After conversion, the main project will be the active project.


When opening from a HEW project file (*.hwp)


Select the project for conversion settings

When a HEW project file is selected, the Project Convert Setting dialog box will open.

Figure 2.36

Project Convert Setting Dialog Box


The [Project] area shows the configuration of conversion target projects as a tree; select the project for carrying out the conversion settings.


Set the conversion target project

When you select the project, the area on the right shows the conversion target project setting items.

Figure 2.37

Project Convert Setting Dialog Box (When Project Is Selected)


After setting the microcontroller to be used for the conversion target project, and project type, name, and place of creation settings, click the [OK] button.

Caution 1.

Confirm that the microcontroller is selected before clicking the [OK] button.

Caution 2.

The name of a network path cannot be used for [Place]. Assign the name of a path on a drive.

Remark 1.

[Select session] is displayed only when multiple sessions exist in a project.

Remark 2.

If you select [Backup the project composition files after conversion], immediately after the conversion the project source files and complete project are packed up and saved.

Remark 3.

See "Project Convert Setting dialog box" for details about each setting item.


Convert the CS+ project

The HEW project is converted to the CS+ project.


When opening from a HEW project file, the project is converted in accordance with the following rules.


A HEW project is converted to a project with the same name as the original project. After conversion, the project file name will be "project name.mtpj".

Remark 1.

When conversion is performed from the HEW project for RX into the CS+ project for RX and from the HEW project for SuperH into the CS+ project for RH850, the target for conversion is the file structure information of the HEW project file, configurations, build options (only a part of options if the HEW project for SuperH is converted into the CS+ project for RH850), file exclusion, and link order information.


When build options have been added from the version of the target build tools in the HEW project to the version of the build tools after conversion, the added options are set to the build tools' default values after conversion.


Configurations of the HEW project are replaced with build modes of CS+ after conversion. Any characters that are not allowed in a CS+ folder name, however (\, /, :, *, ?, ", <, >, |) will be replaced by underscores ("_").
The build mode selected by default is determined by the project temporary file (project-name.tps) corresponding to the project. However, if there is no project temporary file, the build mode will be “DefaultBuild”.
If the build target file changed by Configurations(,etc.) in the HEW project files, these projects cannot be converted.


When the link order has been specified in the HEW project, that setting is maintained. [RX]
Since the available settings for the link order differ with the build mode, the order is converted according to the build mode.
When the link order has not been specified in the HEW project, linkage proceeds in alphabetical order.


When files are classified into folders in the tree view of a HEW project, the folders are replaced with the CS+ category after the project has been converted.
If nesting is to a depth of 20 or more folders (categories), the 20th stage and deeper stages are ignored. Files in such folders are added to the 20th category.

Remark 2.

Except when conversion is performed from the HEW project for RX into the CS+ project for RX and from the HEW project for SuperH into the CS+ project for RH850, the target for conversion is only the file structure information of the HEW project file.

Remark 3.

The project files after conversion are created in the folder specified in the Project Convert Setting dialog box.

Remark 4.

Conversion of projects that were created in HEW V.4.07 or a higher version is supported.
The supported versions of the build tools of HEW are as shown below.


SHC/C++ Ver.7.0 or higher


H8C/C++ Ver.6.0.00 or higher


NC30 V.5.20 Release 1 or higher


NC308 V.5.20 Release 1 or higher


NC100 V.1.01 Release 00 or higher


CCRX V.1.00 Release 00 or higher

Remark 5.

The following projects cannot be converted.


The project contains no tps file for use in setting up HEW (the tps file is automatically created when the project is opened through HEW).
To avoid this problem, you should open the project through HEW once before starting conversion.


The project contains multiple cfg files, each of which is used to set up a real-time OS from Renesas Electronics Corp.

Remark 6.

The target for conversion is only the HEW project file of the Renesas Electronics compiler.

Remark 7.

Converting a HEW project to make it compatible with CS+ succeeds but building of the project leads to an error when any of the following conditions is satisfied.


Placeholder $(TCINSTALL) is used in the project.
(TCINSTALL) remains in the project even after conversion but CS+ does not recognize $(TCINSTALL). Placeholder $(TCINSTALL) that has been used as a parameter for [Options] in HEW is simply passed to CS+ and may cause an unintended result (e.g. an error) upon building of the project. For this reason, you should manually change $(TCINSTALL) after converting the project.


Placeholder $(WORKSPDIR) is used in the project.
If you select a HEW project file (with extension hwp) in CS+, this is automatically converted to "%ProjectDir%\.." (the directory above the project directory). An error may occur during building of the project if the workspace does not exist in the directory indicated by "%ProjectDir%\..". For this reason, you should manually change "%ProjectDir%\.." after converting the project.


A custom build phase is used in the project.
Since all custom phases are deleted upon conversion, an error may occur during building of a project that involved a file output created for a custom build phase in HEW. After converting the project, register the custom build-phase command with the CS+ as a command to be executed before or after each phase as required.


A custom placeholder is used in the project.
Custom placeholders are not converted because CS+ does not recognize them. Any custom placeholder that has been used as a parameter for [Options] in HEW is simply passed to the CS+ and may cause an unintended result (e.g. an error) upon building of the project. For this reason, you should manually change the custom placeholders after converting the project.

Remark 8.

Other cautions


$(FILEDIR) is converted to %FileDir%.
Leaving %FileDir% as it is when the path name is edited in the Path Edit dialog box will lead to the following error: The specified path contains a non-existent folder. (W0205012)
Edit the path names and replace %FileDir% with another placeholder or directory name.


$(WINDIR) is converted to %WinDir%.


The order in which folders are displayed in CS+ may differ from that in HEW.


If a HEW project for which downloaded files have been specified is loaded into CS+, CS+ will show these files as the second and subsequent items in the list of downloaded files for each debug tool.


The compiler option -output=src is converted to .output=obj (default).


If you load a library project that has been linked to the standard library into CS+, the linkage setting will be discarded (this is indicated in the log information that is output as a result of loading the project).


If [Use an existing library file] has been selected for the library generator in HEW, the setting is changed to [Do not add a library file] in CS+. For this reason, linking with the specified library will not proceed (this is indicated in the log information that is output as a result of loading the project).


Option settings that were made on the [Toolchain Option] tabbed page of HEW are not converted but discarded (i.e. they are not moved across to CS+).


If a sub-command file has been selected for the linkage editor in HEW, the [Use external subcommand file] setting is discarded when the project is loaded into CS+. The linkage editor options will have their default settings.


Any files specified with the -library, -input, or -binary option will not be listed in the Link Order dialog box. The result is that the order of linkage for these files will not be selectable.


RTOS configuration files will not be displayed under the [Configuration file] category node after the project is loaded into CS+.


RTOS option settings that were made in HEW are discarded. RTOS options will have their default settings in CS+.


The build mode for RTOS projects will be "DefaultBuild" after the project is loaded into CS+. You will need to change the build mode as required.


The order of linkage of the assembly output files (ritbl.obj) for an RTOS project will differ from that in HEW.

Remark 9.

The conversion result is output to a file as project convert information.


The project convert information file name is "ProjectConvertInformation_projectname.txt".


The project convert information file is output for each converted project (subproject).


The project convert information file is output to the project folder of the project (subproject).


The project convert information file is displayed the File node of the project (subproject) on the Project Tree panel.


The output format of the project convert information file is shown below.

(1)<Options not to use(Build mode)>
    Tool name of HEW (Tab name of build tool property in CS+)
    Tool name of HEW (Tab name of build tool property in CS+:file name)
(2)<Options to change(Build mode)>
    Tool name of HEW (Tab name of build tool property in CS+)
     Option of HEW project -> Option of CS+ project
    Tool name of HEW (Tab name of build tool property in CS+:file name)
     Option of HEW project -> Option of CS+ project




Options not to use(Build mode)

If an option that has been set in a HEW project and is not used in a CS+ project (option that has been deleted by upgrading the compiler package, and HEW option) exists, the information is output for each build mode in the format shown below.


   Tool name(Tab name of build tool property in CS+)


The information for individual compile options is output in the format shown below.


   Tool name(Tab name of build tool property in CS+:file name)



Build modes are output in the following order: "Debug Build", "Release Build", user-created build mode ("Debug Build" and "Release Build" are the build modes that HEW provides by default. They differ depending on whether the debug information output option is set or not.).


"Other Options" is output if Tab name of build tool property in CS+ for Tool name does not exist.


Options to change(Build mode)

If an option that has been set in a HEW project and has been changed to use in a CS+ project (option that the range the parameter can be specified has been changed, and option that has been changed by upgrading the compiler package) exists, the information is output for each build mode in the format shown below.


   Tool name(Tab name of build tool property in CS+)
    Option of HEW project -> Option of CS+ project


The information for individual compile options is output in the format shown below.


   Tool name(Tab name of build tool property in CS+:file name)
    Option of HEW project -> Option of CS+ project



Build modes are output in the following order: "Debug Build", "Release Build", user-created build mode ("Debug Build" and "Release Build" are the build modes that HEW provides by default. They differ depending on whether the debug information output option is set or not.).


"Other Options" is output if Tab name of build tool property in CS+ for Tool name does not exist.