Everything [Connect Settings] tab

You configure the connection with the debug tool for each one of the following categories.


(1) [Internal ROM/RAM]

(2) [Clock]

(3) [Configuration]



[Internal ROM/RAM]

You can configure internal ROM/RAM in this category.

The size of internal ROM/RAM of the selected microcontroller is specified by default.

There is no need to change the settings in this category if you wish to debug with the same memory mapping of the selected microcontroller.


You should be careful not to overlap the area with other memory mapping area.

Figure 2.55

[Internal ROM/RAM] Category [Simulator]


[Size of internal ROM[KBytes]

Select the internal ROM size to simulate (unit: Kbytes).

Change the value only when you perform debugging after changing the memory mapping.


[Size of internal RAM[Bytes]]

Select the internal RAM size to simulate (unit: bytes).

Change the value only when you perform debugging after changing the memory mapping.


The data flash memory is not supported by Simulator.



You can configure the clock in this category.

Figure 2.56

[Clock] Category [Simulator]


[Main clock frequency [MHz]]

Specify the main clock frequency.

You can specify the frequency from the drop-down list or by directly entering a frequency value between 0.001 and 99.999 (unit: MHz) (default: [4.00]).


[Sub clock frequency[kHz]]

Specify the sub clock frequency.

You can specify the frequency from the drop-down list or by directly entering a frequency value between 0.001 and 99.999 (unit: kHz) (default: [32.768]).


[Select Timer/Trace clock frequency]

Select the clock frequency for using timer/trace function, from the following drop-down list.

CPU clock frequency

Uses the CPU clock frequency (default).

Specify clock frequency

Specifies an arbitrary frequency (property items to specify become valid in the lower area).


[Unit of Timer/Trace clock frequency]

This property appears only when the [Select Timer/Trace clock frequency] property is set to [Specify clock frequency].

Select the unit of the clock frequency for timer/trace, from the following drop-down list.


The unit of the frequency is in MHz (default).


The unit of the frequency is in kHz.


[Timer/Trace clock frequency]

The operation of this property differs depending on the specification of the [Select Timer/Trace clock frequency] property.


When [CPU clock frequency] is selected:
The following value is displayed (this cannot be changed).
While disconnected from the debug tool: "---_---"
While connected to the debug tool: "CPU clock frequency"


When [Specify clock frequency] is selected:
Specify the clock frequency for timer/trace.
Directly enter the value between 1 [kHz] and 99.999 [MHz] (default: [4.00]).
Unit is depending on the specification with the [Unit of Timer/Trace clock frequency] property.



You can configure the customization of the simulator in this category.


Properties in this category cannot be changed when Simulator is connected to CS+.

Figure 2.57

[Configuration] Category


[Use simulator configuration file]

Select whether to use the simulator configuration file to perform user customization (adding of user models) of the simulator.

Select [Yes] to use the simulator configuration file (default: [No]).


[Simulator configuration file]

This property appears only when the [Use simulator configuration file] property is set to [Yes].

Specify the simulator configuration file to use.

Directly enter the file name, or select the file with the Select Simulator Configuration File dialog box that is opened by clicking on the [...] button that appears on the right end of the setting field.