2.3 Conversion Result

The CcnvCA78K0R outputs the conversion result to the standard output. The output format is as follows.



Input file name


Number of messages

When the -l option is specified, the above output is repeated for the number of files in the list file.


"Message" is output when there is an error or warning. For the output format of a message, see "MESSAGES". When the -r option is specified, the message is output not to the standard output file but to the specified file.

"Input file name" is the input file specified on the command line or in the list file.

"Result" displays any one of the following.



When there is converted code

Converted successfully.


When there is no converted code

Nothing converted.


When a converted file is re-input to CcnvCA78K0R

Already converted.


When an error has occurred

Conversion failed.


"Number of messages" indicates how many messages were output by message type.


An example of the conversion result is shown below.


(Input file: input.c)

#pragma sfr
char c;
void main(void)
    c = P0;


(Standard output)

CA78K0R C Source Converter Vx.xx.xx.xx [dd Mmm yyyy]
input.c(1):M0591123:[Insert]Inserted #include "iodefine.h".
input.c(1):M0591131:[Delete]#pragma sfr was deleted.
    Converted successfully.
    1 deleted, 1 inserted, 0 changed, 0 information
    Total warning(s) : 0