


This option specifies the output file.

[Specification format]

-OUtput=suboption[, ...]
  suboption := file
            |  file=range
            |  file=/load-address
            |  file=range/load-address
  range := address1-address2
        |  section[: ...]



Interpretation when omitted

The output file name is "first-input-file-name.default-extension".
The default extensions are shown below.

When the -form=absolute option is specified: abs

When the -form=relocate option is specified: rel

When the -form=object option is specified: obj

When the -form=library option is specified: lib

When the -form=hexadecimal option is specified: hex

When the -form=stype option is specified: mot

When the -form=binary option is specified: bin

[Detailed description]


This option specifies output file file.


Specify the start address and end address of the output range in hexadecimal as address1 and address2.
The output range including "-" is always interpreted as addresses.


Specify the section to be output as section.
If multiple files are specified, delimit them with a colon (:).


If load-address is specified, the first load address in the output file will be changed to the value specified with load-address when an Intel Hex file or Motorola S-record file is output. [V2.00.00 or later]


If this option and the -form={absolute|hexadecimal|stype|binary} option are specified at the same time, two or more files can be specified.

[Example of use]


To output the range from 0 to 0xffff to file1.abs and the range from 0x10000 to 0x1ffff to file2.abs, describe as:

>rlink a.obj b.obj -output=file1.abs=0-ffff,file2.abs=10000-1ffff


To output the sec1 and sec2 sections to file1.abs and the sec3 section to file2.abs, describe as:

>rlink a.obj b.obj -output=file1.abs=sec1:sec2,file2.abs=sec3



load-address can be specified when form={hexadecimal|stype} has been specified.


If a input file is an Intel Hex file or Motorola S-record file, two or more output files cannot be specified by this option.
If this option is omitted, the output file name will be "first input file name_combine.extension" (If the input file is "a.mot", the output file will be "a_combine.mot").