2.6.3 Run a build in parallel with other operations

CS+ can automatically start a build when one of the following events occurs (rapid build function).


For other than the debug-only project


When any one of the following files that are added to the project is updated:
(C source file, assembler source file, header file, link directive file, symbol information file, object module file, and library file)


When a build target file has been added to or removed from the project


When the link order of object module files and library files is changed


When the property of the build tool or the build target file is changed



For the debug-only project


When you have edited and saved the C source file, assembler source file and header file that are added to the debug-dedicated project


When a C source file, assembler source file, or header file has been added to or removed from the debug-dedicated project


When the property of the debug-dedicated project is changed


If a rapid build is enabled, it is possible to perform a build in parallel with the above operations.

To enable/disable a rapid build, select [Rapid Build] from the [Build] menu. A rapid build is enabled by default.


When an external text editor is used, check the [Observe registered files changing] check box on the [General - Build] category in the Option dialog box to enable this function.

Remark 1.

After editing source files, it is recommend to save frequently by pressing the [Ctrl] + [S] key.

Remark 2.

Enable/Disable setting of the rapid build applies to the entire project (main project and subprojects).

Remark 3.

If you disable a rapid build while it is running, it will be stopped at that time.