2.8.6 Stop the program when an invalid execution is detected [IECUBE]

The system forcibly breaks the program execution when unexpected program behavior such as invalid access to internal ROM/internal RAM/SFR/external memory is detected (fail-safe break function).

This function has various break conditions. Enable/disable each break condition in the [Fail-safe Break] category on the [Debug Tool Settings] tab of the Property panel.


The fail-safe break function becomes invalid during step execution.

Figure 2.94

[Fail-safe Break] Category


In the following property setting, select [Yes] to enable and [No] to disable the function from the drop-down list.

All the properties are set to [Yes] by default (with some exceptions).


[Stop when fetched from fetch protected area]


[Stop when wrote to write protected area]


[Stop when read from read protected SFR]


[Stop when wrote to write protected SFR]


[Stop when overflowed user stack]Note


[Stop when underflowed user stack]Note


[Stop when operated uninitialized stack pointer]


[Stop when read from uninitialized RAM]


[Stop when accessed to non-mapping area]


[Stop when word miss-align accessed]


[Stop when received fail safe from peripheral]


[Stop when occurred flash illegal]


[No] is selected by default.
To set to [Yes], the [User stack section] property on the bottom must be set to the address of the user stack section (default: [.stack_bss]).