
Main window

This is the start-up window that opens when CS+ is launched.
In this window, you can control the user program execution and open panels.
Figure A-1. Main Window
The following items are explained here.
[How to open]
- Select Windows [Start] >> [Programs] >> [Renesas Electronics CS+] >> [CS+].
[Description of each area]
(1) Menu bar
This displays menus about real-time OS package.
(a) [View]
Realtime OS
Displays a cascading menu for relating to real-time OS package.
Resource Information
Opens the Realtime OS Resource Information panel.
Program Analyzer
Program analyzer is started.
[RI850V4 V1.xx.xx]
Opens the AZ850V4 window.
[RI78V4 V1.xx.xx]
Opens the AZ78K0R window.
Task Analyzer 1
Opens the Realtime OS Task Analyzer 1 panel.
[RI78V4 V2.xx.xx][RI850V4 V2.xx.xx][RI600V4]
Task Analyzer 2
Opens the Realtime OS Task Analyzer 2 panel.
[RI78V4 V2.xx.xx][RI850V4 V2.xx.xx][RI600V4]

(2) Toolbar
The toolbar shows command buttons relating to real-time OS package.
Opens the Realtime OS Resource Information panel.
Opens the Realtime OS Task Analyzer 1 panel. [RI78V4 V2.xx.xx]
[RI850V4 V2.xx.xx][RI600V4]
Opens the Realtime OS Task Analyzer 2 panel. [RI78V4 V2.xx.xx]
[RI850V4 V2.xx.xx][RI600V4]

(3) Panel display area
Panels are displayed in this area.