2.13.2 Chart the function execution time ratios

Display a pie chart of the function execution time ratios.

The chart is displayed in the Analysis Chart panel's [Execution Time(Percentage) Chart] tab, based on the currently acquired Dynamic analysis information (equivalent to [Execution Time(Percentage)[%]] in the Function List panel).

See the [Execution Time(Percentage) Chart] tab for details on each of the area displayed.

Figure 2.37

Chart of Function Execution Time Ratios

Cautions 1.

When the debug tool to use does not support the Trace function, or when the debug tool's trace function is not enabled, this chart cannot be displayed.
Even if the trace function is enabled-condition, if there is no trace data in the trace memory, no chart is displayed on this tab, and then the following message will be displayed on the Output panel: "There is no execution time information."

Cautions 2.

To display this chart, see cautions of "(a) Trace function".

Cautions 3.

[E1/E2/E2 Lite/E20[RX]][EZ Emulator[RX]]
Because the trace time tag function is not supported, this chart cannot be displayed.

Cautions 4.

[E1/E2/E2 Lite/E20[RX]][EZ Emulator[RX]]
The results on the [Execution Time(Percentage) Chart] tab may not be exact. This is because the counter for time-lag measurement of the trace is small and may overflow. Check whether it has overflowed by the timestamp of the Trace panel.


The following operations can be performed on the call graph displayed.


Specify the number of functions to display

You can change the number of functions displayed in the chart.

To do this, specify the number in the [The number of functions displaying in the Execution Time(Percentage) Chart] property in the [Analysis Chart] category on the [Settings] tab of the Property panel (set to [10] by default).

The targets are graphed in ranking order of highest proportion of execution time taken. Functions exceeding the number specified here are displayed together under "Others".


Pop-up display of execution time

When the mouse cursor is hovered over a function, information about that function's execution time appears in a pop-up.

Figure 2.38

Pop-up Display of Execution Time


The display contents are updated each time program execution is stopped.
Note, however, that if the [Refresh at program stop] property in the [General] category on the [Settings] tab of the Property panel is set to other than [Yes] (default), the information will be updated in accordance with the setting on the Property panel.