Everything Searching at the instruction level

Search for trace data at the instruction level.

After selecting the [Instruction Level] tab, follow the procedure below to perform a search.

Figure 2.148

Searching for Trace Data at Instruction Level


Specifying the [Fetch Address]

Specify a fetch address, if needed as the search condition.

Enter an address expression directly in the text box or select an input history item from the drop-down list (up to 10 history entries).

The fetch address can also be specified as a range of addresses. In this case, enter address values in both the right and left text boxes to specify a range.

If the right-side text box is blank or labeled "(Input when range is specified)", the fixed address specified in the left-side text box is used to perform a search.

Note that if any address value greater than the microcontroller's address space is specified, the high-order address value is masked when a search is performed.

Also, no address values can be specified that are greater than the value representable by 32 bits.


Specify [Mnemonic]

Specify a character string of instruction, if needed as the search condition.

The character string specified here is searched from within the [Source/Disassemble] area of the Trace panel.

Enter an instruction directly in the text box or select an input history item from the drop-down list (up to 10 history entries).

Searches are case-insensitive, and partial matches are also allowed.


Specifying the [Access Address]

Specify an access address, if needed as the search condition.

Enter an address value in hexadecimal directly in the text box or select an input history item from the drop-down list (up to 10 history entries).

The access address can also be specified as a range of addresses. In this case, enter address values in both the right and left text boxes to specify a range.

If the right-side text box is blank or labeled "(Input when range is specified)", the fixed address specified in the left-side text box is used to perform a search.

Note that if any address value greater than the microcontroller's address space is specified, the high-order address value is masked when a search is performed.

Also, no address values can be specified that are greater than the value representable by 32 bits.


Specifying the [Access Status]

This item is enabled only when [Access Address] is specified (see “Specifying the [Access Address]”).

Select the type of access (Read/Write, Read, Write, Vector Read and DMA) from the drop-down list.

If you do not limit the type of access, select "(No specification)".


[E1] [E20] [EZ Emulator]
The types of access for which data can be collected on the Trace panel are only Read and Write. Therefore, do not select Read/Write, Vector Read or DMA from the drop-down list.
The types of access for which data can be collected on the Trace panel are only Read, Write, and Vector Read. Therefore, do not select Read/Write or DMA from the drop-down list.


Specifying the [Data]

This item is enabled only when [Access Address] is specified (see “Specifying the [Access Address]”).

Specify an accessed numeric value.

Enter a hexadecimal value directly in the text box or select an input history item from the drop-down list (up to 10 history entries).

The numeric value can be specified as a range of values. In this case, enter data in both the right and left text boxes to specify a range.

If the right-side text box is blank or labeled "(Input when range is specified)," the fixed numeric value specified in the left-side text box is used to perform a search.


Specifying the [Number]

Specify a range of trace data to search by numbers displayed in the [Number] area of the Trace panel.

Specify start and end numbers in the left and right text boxes, respectively. (By default, "0" to "last number" are specified.)

Enter a number in decimal notation directly in the text box or select an input history item from the drop-down list (up to 10 history entries).

If the left-side text box is blank, the number "0" is assumed.

If the right-side text box is blank, the "last number" is assumed.


Clicking the [Search Backward] or [Search Forward] button

When you click the [Search Backward] button, a search is performed in the direction toward smaller numbers, with the searched spot put in selected state on the Trace panel.

When you click the [Search Forward] button, a search is performed in the direction toward larger numbers, with the searched spot put in selected state on the Trace panel.