3.2.6 Symbol information

When the -show=symbol option is specified, the external defined symbol or static internal defined symbol address, size, type, and whether optimization is applied are output in the order of address.

When the -show=reference option is specified, the reference count of each symbol is also output.

The output example of the symbol information is shown below.

*** Symbol List ***
                (3)          (4)              (5)
                START        END              SIZE
  (6)           (7)          (8)              (9)           (10)    (11)
  SYMBOL        ADDR         SIZE             INFO          COUNTS  OPT
                00000000     00000023         24
                00000000            0         func ,g            0
                00000018            0         func ,g            0
                fe600004     fe60000b         8
                fe600004            4         data ,g            0




Section name

The name of the section is output.


File name

The file name is output.


Start address

The start address of the corresponding section included in the file shown in (2) is output.

This is expressed in a hexadecimal number.


End address

The end address of the corresponding section included in the file shown in (2) is output.

This is expressed in a hexadecimal number.


Section size

The size of the corresponding section included in the file shown in (2) is output (in byte units).

This is expressed in a hexadecimal number.


Symbol name

The symbol name is output.


Symbol address

The symbol address is output.

This is expressed in a hexadecimal number.


Symbol size

The symbol size is output (in byte units).

This is expressed in a hexadecimal number.


Symbol type

The data type and declaration type are output.


Data type

func: Function name

data: Variable name

entry: Entry function name

none: Undefined (label, assembler symbol)


Declaration type

g: External definition

l: Internal definition


Reference count of symbol

The reference count of the symbol is output.

This is expressed in a hexadecimal number.

This item is output only when the -show=reference option is specified.

When the reference count of the symbol is not output, "*" is output.


Whether optimization is applied

Whether optimization is applied is output.

ch: Symbol changed by optimization

cr: Symbol generated by optimization

mv: Symbol moved by optimization

When the -show=struct option is specified, the information regarding the structure and union members defined in the files that have been compiled with -g specified is also output. An output example of the structure member information is shown below.

*** Symbol List ***
FILE=(2)                                START     END      SIZE
                                         (3)      (4)       (5)
  SYMBOL                                  ADDR      SIZE     INFO   COUNTS OPT
   (6)                                    (7)       (8)      (9)     (10)  (11)
    STRUCT                                        SIZE
     (12)                                         (13)
      MEMBER                              ADDR      SIZE     INFO
       (14)                               (15)      (16)     (17)
                                   00001000 00001007         8
                                   00001000        8 data ,g      0
   struct {
                                   00001000        4 int
                                   00001004        2 short
                                   00001006        2
   struct {
                                   00001006        1 char
                                   00001007        1 char




struct is output for a structure or union is output for a union.


Total size of the structure or union


The member name is concatenated after a symbol name with a dot (.).


The member address is output.


The member size is output.


The member type is output.