11.3 Notes on Options


Options Requiring the Same Specifications

Options that should always be specified in the same way are shown in (a) and (b) below. If relocatable files and library files using different options are linked, the operation of the program at runtime is not guaranteed.


The five options isa, cpu, endian, base, and fint_register should be specified in the same way in the compiler, assembler, and library generator.


The options in the Microcontroller Options section of the COMMAND REFERENCE chapter, except for the options in (a), must be specified in the same way in the compiler and library generator.


When Using -reent (an Option Which Generates a Reentrant Library) of lbgrx (a Library Generator)

To enable specification of the -reent option for the lbgrx library generator in a project generated in a Renesas integrated development environment, confirm if the low-level _INIT_IOLIB() function of the project contains the statements for execution in relation to alignment_Files listed below.
If the function does not include these statements, add them with reference to the contents of the _INIT_IOLIB() function in the listing of the lowsrc.c file in the of section 8.4 Coding Example.

_Files[0] = stdin;

_Files[1] = stdout;

_Files[2] = stderr;