5.3 Information

Table 5.3




Installation is suspended because xxx is running. It will be resumed next time you start the tool.



You must restart your system for the updates to take effect.



Installation is suspended because related updates are suspended. It will be resumed next time you start the tool.



All CS+ related tools were uninstalled, so Integrated Uninstaller will be deleted.


All of the CS+-related tools that are displayed have been uninstalled by the integrated uninstaller.



The following product was also installed at the same time.

- xxx



Please install the latest service packs and security updates for this product using Windows Update and Microsoft Update.


This message appears when all installation of required environments has completed successfully without a reboot request, and the window of the subsequently executed integrated installer has been closed.



Failed to read license information. The file is broken.

Please re-enter license keys.



The version of the license manager you are using is older than that assumed by the floating license server.

Update the license manager.



The version of the floating license server you are using is older than that assumed by the license manager.

Update the floating license server.



Critical Error : xxx



Error : xxx



Warning : xxx



Required license : xxx



Local license found.



Needs renewal.












Upper level licesne : xxx



Get new licesne : xxx



Supported : xxx licenses



Command : xxx



Getting license : xxx



Connecting : xxx



Getting upper level license : xxx



Getting supported licenses : xxx



Getting license as offline mode :xxx



Releasing license : xxx



Please enter the e-mail address of your technical support contact.



The following plug-ins are not enabled.





You can use [Plug-in Manager] dialog to enable these plug-ins.


The Basic plug-in and Additional plug-in are disabled.



If you do not want to display the [Settings of proxy authentication] dialog, please check the [Network] - [Do not open the Settings of proxy authentication dialog] checkbox in the [Option] dialog.


This message is displayed when the [Settings of proxy authentication] dialog box is displayed after CS+ is run for the first time.



The specified path is read-only.


This appears when failing in writing in of a generated log file when performing conversion of a project, diversion of a project or pack function of the project.

[Action by User]

Make the folder writable in Explorer or the like.



Saving the data to the file.


This is the string shown in the Progress Status dialog box when data is being saved to a file.



The processing was canceled by the user.


The ongoing action was cancelled by the user.



The specified file is read-only.


This message appears when the specified file is write-protected after checking file write.

[Action by User]

Make the folder writable in Explorer or the like.



Adding folder ...


This appears when a folder is dropped from Explorer into the project tree, and the contents of the folder are added.



Loading xxx ...


This appears when a file is open.



xxx is saved after replacing the unexpressible characters by the current encode(yyy).


This appears when saving the file that is open in the editor, and it cannot be saved correctly with the specified encoding.

[Action by User]

Change the encoding, and then save the file.



Loading PM+ project ...


This message appears in the Progress Status dialog box while a PM+ project file is being loaded.



Creating project file ...


This message appears in the Progress Status dialog box while a project file is being created.



Loading project ...


This message appears in the Progress Status dialog box while a project file is being loaded.



Converting project file ...


This message appears in the Progress Status dialog box while a project file for another product is being converted.



Packing project ...


This message appears in the Progress Status dialog box while a project file for another product is being converted.



Loading project ...


This message appears in the Progress Status dialog box while a project file is being loaded.



xxx is not a project for the yyy.


This message appears when a project of another package was attempted to be loaded.

[Action by User]

Load a project from CS+ of the correct package.



The major version number of using <compiler name> that is in use was changed. Check the type of the license for <compiler name>.


This message appears during the loading of a project when the major version number of the compiler version number has been changed since the project was previously saved.

[Action by User]

Check whether you have a license for the new compiler version and if you do, whether the license is for the Standard or Professional edition. Otherwise, change the [Using compiler package version] property to that for the earlier compiler.



Downloading load module xxx ...


During download, the name of the file being downloaded appears in the third line of the message.



Connecting to xxx ...


This message is shown in the Progress Status dialog box when connecting.



Connecting to xxx ...


Emulator firmware is automatically updated if necessary.

Do not disconnect USB cable and power supply until connection is completed.


This message is shown in the Progress Status dialog box when connecting.



Preparing Hot Plug-in...


Emulator firmware is automatically updated if necessary.

Do not disconnect USB cable and power supply until connection is completed.


This message is shown in the Progress Status dialog box when preparing Hot Plug-in.



Searching ...


This message appears in the Progress Status dialog box when performing a search by specifying "In current project," "Anywhere in project," or "In specified folder."



Could not execute step-in for the following reason.



This message appears when an exception occurred on execution of [Step In] from the menu.

[Action by User]

For details, refer to xxxxxxxxxxx.



Could not execute step-over for the following reason.



This message appears when an exception occurred on execution of [Step Over] from the menu.

[Action by User]

For details, refer to xxxxxxxxxxx.



This operation has been cancelled because the command related to the state save feature can not use at the current product license.


This message appears when saving or restoring the state and when there is no additional license related to state saving.

[Action by User]

Switch to a license which can use the state save feature.



Failed to save RAM or register values for rewinding.


This message appears when state saving has failed.

[Action by User]


Check the disk capacity.


Check if there is no problem in memory.


Check connection to the target.



Stores RAM and register values to the file(xxx).


This message appears when the state has been saved.



Restores RAM and register values to the file(xxx).


This message appears when restoring of RAM or register values has failed.



Source files were added to the Project Tree panel, but some files cannot be added to the project.


When a debug project is downloaded, source files included in the load module are added automatically. This appears when these files cannot be added, because the maximum number of files that can be added to the project is exceeded.

[Action by User]

Remove unneeded files.



License for standard edition is currently in use by some projects.


This message appears if a floating license for editions other than the standard edition could not be acquired when a project was opened.

[Action by User]


Check if the number of floating licenses is sufficient.


Check if networks or servers related to floating licenses are operating.



License for standard edition is currently in use by the subproject xxx.


This message appears if a floating license for editions other than the standard edition could not be acquired when a subproject was added.

[Action by User]


Check if the number of floating licenses is sufficient.


Check if networks or servers related to floating licenses are operating.



There are files not registered in the project. See the [All Messages] tab in the Output panel for details.


This message appears when an imported file in the Link Order dialog box includes the names of files that are not actually registered with the project.

[Action by User]

Register the files with the project.



Opens the Disassemble panel to show the current PC address because could not open an editor panel.


This message appears when no more Editor panels can be opened while the program is not running.

[Action by User]


Up to 100 Editor panels can be opened. Close unnecessary panels before opening new panels.


Check that you have permission to open source files.



Initializing memory ...


This message appears in the Progress Status dialog box when initializing memory from the Memory Initialize dialog box.



The specified value does not exist from the present location to the xxx of a tree.


This appears when moving in a search for values in the SFR panel / IOR panel, and the specified value is not found in the direction of movement.



Getting trace data ...


This appears when a large amount of time is required to get data in the Trace panel.



There are source files with the same name in different folders. Please enable [Individual Compile Options] and set the name in [Output file name] property to the name that do not duplicate the other.


This message appears when multiple source files with the same name are found in different folders while an e2 studio project is being converted to a CS+ project.



Generating memory mapping ...


Press [ESC] key or [Cancel] button to abort processing


Wait for the information on the memory map to be acquired.

[Action by User]

To cancel this processing, press the [ESC] key or click on the [Cancel] button.



Press [ESC] key to cancel processing.


Wait for the information on the memory map to be acquired.



Measuring performance ...(number-of-executed-option-patterns/total-number-of-option-patterns)


Press [ESC] key or [Cancel] button to abort processing.


This message appears when the optimization performance data is being collected.



Outputting quality records data...




This message appears while quality-related information is being output. xxx indicates the name of the item on which information is currently being output.



Manual data updated.


This message is displayed after the data on manuals for the Smart Manual have been updated.



xxx was generated.


This message appears when iodefine.h was successfully generated.



The device was changed. Update the header file by selecting [Generate I/O header file].


This message appears when CS+ detects a change of device at the time it opens a project.



The device file was updated. Update the header file by selecting [Generate I/O header file].


This message appears when CS+ detects a change of device file version at the time it opens a project.



Due to the CS+ being old, following build tools are disabled. To use them, update CS+.


The core major version numbers of the files contained in build tools exceed the expected value and so are hidden when a project is opened.

[Action by User]

Continue using the CS+ environment if this does not present a problem. Alternatively, update your CS+.



Loading HEW project ...


This message appears in the Progress Status dialog box while loading the HEW project file.

The conversion may take several minutes.



Compiler-name : Moved next libraries in [Using libraries] property.




This message appears in the Output panel when the library files being used are to be deleted while "Yes(Level 3)" is selected in the [Perform inter-module optimization] property of the [Optimization(Details)] category on the [Compile Options] tabbed page.



The settings of [Constituent Application Projects] property are removed because the Microcomputers are different.


This appears when the specified devices differ between associated projects during loading of the projects.



There is "xxx" in the value of the [Section start address] property. But the device doesn't have PEyyy core. Please check the [Section start address] property.


This message is displayed when a placeholder for the reset vector address of a core which is not present has been configured in the [Section start address] property at the time of building.

[Action by User]

Set a correct value to the [Section start address] property.



CC-RL : Moved next libraries in [Using libraries] property.


This message appears in the Output panel when library files in use are deleted while "Yes (Level 3)" is selected for the [Perform inter-module optimization] property under the [Optimization(Details)] category on the [Compile Options] tabbed page.



Confirm the value of the [DSP assembler folder] property of the Build Tool and set it.


This message is displayed in the Output panel when creating a project has been successful.



Confirm the value of the [Compiler package folder] property of the Build Tool and set it.


This message appears when a GHSCCRH850 project has been successfully created.



The setting of pin No. pin number was changed to unused.



xxx was generated.



The following files were generated:



The generating source folder is: xxx



The operation of generating file was successful.



xxx was overwritten.



Pin No. xxx was changed from yyy to zzz.



Start to reflect to PinConfig.



Finish reflecting to PinConfig.



The code generator report is output to the following files:



Setting of Watchdog timer is unused.



Setting of Watchdog timer is used.



Setting of Voltage detector is unused. If the externally input reset signal is not used, please select 'Used' in the voltage detector setting in the Peripheral Functions and re-generate code.



Setting of Voltage detector is used.



Setting of On-chip debugging is unused. When using the on-chip debug function, please select 'Used' in the On-chip debugging setting tab of Common/Clock Generator in the Peripheral Functions and re-generate code.



Setting of On-chip debugging is used.



The device top view is output to the following files:


This is to notify you of the files in which the device top view has been saved.



The device list view is output to the following files:


This is to notify you of the files in which the device list view has been saved.



Stopped to step, because the debug target operating mode is different the device operating mode. Please Change the debug target operating mode to the device operating mode.



The source file corresponding to the current line on the trace panel could not be opened with an editor panel.



Could not change the setting that output the cross-reference files.


This error occurs when the [Enable static analysis information] property is set to [Yes], and the compiler properties could not be manipulated immediately prior to the build.



Failed to analyze cross-reference information.

[Action by User]

Execute the build after setting [Enable static analysis information] property to [Yes].



Program analysis information is being generated. The trace data is acquired, and analyzed.

[Action by User]

If you wish to suspend, then click [Cancel].



Program analysis information is being generated. The coverage data is acquired, and analyzed.

[Action by User]

If you wish to suspend, then click [Cancel].



The buffer of the trace was filled. There is a possibility that the result of Analysis panels is incorrect.


This appears when the trace buffer is full when program execution is stopped.

[Action by User]

Narrow the range of analysis.



Some trace data was lost. There is a possibility that the result of Analysis panels is incorrect.


This appears when trace data has been dropped during trace-data analysis.

[Action by User]

Narrow the range of analysis.



The trace of the instruction was not included in the trace data. Please confirm the setting of the trace. There is a possibility that a part of the result of Analysis panels is not displayed.


This appears when the trace data being analyzed does not contain an M1/BRM1 fetch.

[Action by User]

Check the trace-output settings.



The trace of the data access was not included in the trace data. Please confirm the setting of the trace. There is a possibility that a part of the result of Analysis panels is not displayed.


This appears when the trace data being analyzed does not contain read or write data.

[Action by User]

Check the trace-output settings.



Variable information was not found (xxx).


This appears during moving analysis of values in a trace, when a matching line cannot be found in the variable-list data.

[Action by User]

Make sure that the variable name exists.

If there is a variable with this name, add the scope and specify it so that a unique line can be identified.



Could not be analyzed correctly. See the [Program Analyzer] tab in the Output panel.


A message was displayed on the Output panel to indicate that a problem occurred during trace analysis.



Could not import the information from a file xxx.


This message appears when an import file specified in the properties could not be loaded.

[Action by User]

Make sure that the file exists.

Check the access privileges of the file.

Make sure that the file is not corrupt.



Could not find cross-reference file xxx.


This message appears when a cross-reference file was not found (the file will be excluded from analysis).

[Action by User]

Execute the build after setting [Enable static analysis information] property to [Yes].



No cross-reference information in file xxx.


This message appears when the assembler listing file was output but the cross-reference information was not output in a project for an RL78.

[Action by User]

Execute the build after setting [Enable static analysis information] property to [Yes].



Source file has been updated. Please build to update cross-reference files.


This appears when updating the Functions List/Variables List panel, and the source file is newer than the cross-reference information.

[Action by User]

Execute the build after setting [Enable static analysis information] property to [Yes].



The load module file has not been updated. Please build to update the load module file.


This appears when updating the Functions List/Variables List panel, and rebuilding could change the load module.

[Action by User]

Execute the build.



The load module file has been updated. Please download the load module file.


This appears when updating the Functions List/Variables List panel, and the current file is newer than the load module file being downloaded.

[Action by User]

Perform the download.



Failed to analyze cross-reference file xxx.


This appears when the cross-reference information file is corrupt.

This appears when the cross-reference information file could not be loaded.

[Action by User]

Check the access privileges of the file.

Make sure that the file is not corrupt.



Failed to analyze load module file xxx.


This appears when the file could not be downloaded to the debugger for analysis of address information or the like.

[Action by User]

Execute the build.

Check the access privileges of the file.

Make sure that the file is not corrupt.



Could not find import file xxx.


This appears when the import file specified in the properties does not exist.

[Action by User]

Make sure that the file exists.



Because the RRM function is not effective, a part of the result of [Analysis Chart] panel cannot be displayed. Please set to use the RRM function in the property of [Access Memory While Running] category of [Debug Tool Settings] category of debug tool.


This appears when the RRM function is not enabled in the debug tool settings, and the method for acquiring variables is set to real-time sampling in the Analysis Chart panel.

[Action by User]

Enable the RRM function in the debug tool properties.



Because the trace function is not effective, a part of the result of [Analysis Chart] panel cannot be displayed. Please set to use the trace function in the property of [Trace] category of [Debug Tool Settings] tab of debug tool.


This appears when the trace function is not enabled in the debug tool settings, and the method for acquiring variables is set to trace-data analysis in the Analysis Chart panel.

[Action by User]

Enable the trace function in the debug tool properties.



The specified value does not exist from the present location to the xxx of a chart.


This appears when moving in analysis graph value trends, and the specified value is not found in the direction of movement.

"start" or "end" is displayed in xxx.



There is no execution time information


This appears when the trace function is not enabled in the properties of the debugging tool or there is no trace data.

[Action by User]

Enable the trace function in the properties of the debugging tool.



The chart of the channel number xxx is never displayed. Review the setting value of the properties.


This appears when none of the data fit within the upper and lower limits (the graph for the target channel is not drawn although horizontal scrolling is performed from the start to the end points).

One or more channel numbers (delimited by commas) to which the message applies are shown as "xxx".

[Action by User]

Check [Value per grid [Val/Div]] or the offset value in the properties of the analysis tool.



RRM lost or buffer overflow has occurred, during data sampling.


This message appears when a value is lost (in the case of the normal RRM function) or a buffer overflows (in the dedicated data collection mode for Smart Analog devices) during data acquisition by real-time sampling.

If a value has been registered as a target of a graph without a scope having been specified, the value is handled as lost because the value cannot be acquired if it is beyond the scope due to the location indicated by the PC position at the time of sampling. Depending on the structure of the user program, if a static variable in a function has been registered as a target of a graph without specifying a scope, a lost value will be likely.

[Action by User]

If overflows are frequent, do not run applications other than CS+.



The auto adjustment function was turned off.


This message appears to notify that auto adjustment is disabled when the value of any of the following properties is manually changed.


[Time per grid[Time/Div]] property


[Value per grid[Val/Div] 1 - 16] property


[Offset 1 - 16] property

[Action by User]

Check the [Auto adjustment] property setting.



The synchronization function was turned off.


Set the filtering conditions in the Filter Settings dialog box, then click [OK]. At this time, if the [Linking with the Project Tree panel] button, [Linking with the Editor panel] button or [Linking with the Debug Manager panel] button is enabled in the toolbar of the Function List/Variable List panel, it is disabled automatically.



The condition of filter settings of current panel was cleared.


Enable the [Linking with the Project Tree panel]/[Linking with the Editor panel]/[Linking with the Debug Manager panel] button in the toolbar of the Function List/Variable List panel. At this time, if filtering conditions have been set in the Filter Settings dialog box, then they are cleared automatically.



Saving a call graph image.

[Action by User]

Press the Cancel button to abort.



Finished to the search.


This appears when a search was started from the target function (starting point), one or more functions meeting the search conditions were found, and the search has reached the function before the first target function (end point).



Corresponding function to the search condition was not found.


This message appears when all functions have been searched in the whole view, and no function meeting the specified search conditions has been found.



Corresponding function/variable to the search condition was not found.


This message appears when all functions/variables have been searched in the detailed view, and no function/variable meeting the specified search conditions has been found.



A node that contains the specified text does not exist from the present location to the xxx of a tree.


This appears when moving in the class view, and a node with the specified text is not found in the direction of movement.

"start" or "end" is displayed in xxx.



There is no file to analyze.


This message appears when no check boxes are selected although it is necessary to select files to be analyzed.

[Action by User]

Select at least one file that you wish to be analyzed.



Enabled real-time display update function. The 16bit address written to address 0002,0003h in ROM is used as work RAM.



Already connected to a debug tool.


This message is shown when executing the connect command in the state connected with a debug tool.



Generating full disassembled file for printing.

Depending on the size of the source file this may take time and use a large amount of memory.


This appears when printing was performed in mixed-view mode.



Generating full disassembled file for print preview.

Depending on the size of the source file this may take time and use a large amount of memory.


This appears when print preview was selected in mixed-view mode.



Generating a print image for this file. Please wait...


This appears when an image is generated in the print and print preview functions.



Generating full disassembled file for saving source mixed mode.

Depending on the size of the source file this may take time and use a large amount of memory.


This message appears when the mixed display of the source file is being saved.



Selection has collapsed because used up memory.


This message appears when the selection of a string in the Editor panel was canceled due to a shortage of memory.



There are five or more unknown format blocks.


If W2200008 is output for five or more times, outputting the message for six times or more is omitted and this message is output instead.



Checking exclusion-control-missing...