The assemble list (the code of the assemble result) is output to the assemble list file.
Select the build tool node on the project tree and select the [Compile Options] tab or [Assemble Options] tab on the Property panel.
To output the assemble list file, select [Yes(-Xasm_option=-Xprn_path)] in the [Output assemble list file] property in the [Assemble List] category.
When outputting the assemble list file, you can set the output folder and output file name.
Setting the output folder is made with the [Output folder for assemble list file] property by directly entering in the text box or by the [...] button.
This property supports the following placeholder.
%BuildModeName%: Replaces with the build mode name.
"%BuildModeName%" is set by default.
The file name will be the source file name with the extension replaced by ".prn".