2.10.2 Set build options at the file level

You can individually set compile and assemble options for each source file added to the project.


When setting compile options for a C source file

Select the C source file on the project tree and select the [Build Settings] tab on the Property panel.

Select [Yes] in the [Set individual compile option] property in the [Build] category. The Message Dialog Box will open.

Figure 2.60

[Set individual compile option] Property

Figure 2.61

Message Dialog Box


Click [Yes] in the dialog box. The [Individual Compile Options(C)] tab will be displayed.

You can set compile options for the C source file by setting the necessary properties in this tab.


Note that this tab takes over the settings of the [Common Options] tab and [Compile Options] tab by default except the properties shown below.


[Additional include paths] and [Use whole include paths specified for build tool] in the [Preprocess] category


[Object module file name] in the [Output File] category


When setting compile options for a C++ source file

Select the C++ source file on the project tree and select the [Build Settings] tab on the Property panel.

Select [Yes] in the [Set individual compile option] property in the [Build] category. The Message Dialog Box will open.

Figure 2.62

[Set individual compile option] Property

Figure 2.63

Message Dialog Box


Click [Yes] in the dialog box. The [Individual Compile Options(C++)] tab will be displayed.

You can set compile options for the C++ source file by setting the necessary properties in this tab.


Note that this tab takes over the settings of the [Common Options] tab and [Compile Options] tab by default except the properties shown below.


[Additional include paths] and [Use whole include paths specified for build tool] in the [Preprocess] category


[Object module file name] in the [Output File] category


When setting assemble options for an assembly source file

Select the assembly source file on the project tree and select the [Build Settings] tab on the Property panel.

Select [Yes] in the [Set individual assemble option] property in the [Build] category. The Message Dialog Box will open.

Figure 2.64

[Set individual assemble option] Property

Figure 2.65

Message Dialog Box


Click [Yes] in the dialog box. The [Individual Assemble Options] tab will be displayed.

You can set assemble options for the assembly source file by setting the necessary properties in this tab.


Note that this tab takes over the settings of the [Common Options] tab and [Compile Options] tab/[Assemble Options] tab by default except the properties shown below.


[Additional include paths] and [Use whole include paths specified for build tool] in the [Preprocess] category


[Object module file name] in the [Output File] category


When setting FAA assemble options for an FAA assembly source file

Select the FAA assembly source file on the project tree and select the [Build Settings] tab on the Property panel.

Select [Yes] in the [Set individual FAA assemble option] property in the [Build] category. The Message Dialog Box will open.

Figure 2.66

[Set individual FAA assemble option] Property

Figure 2.67

Message Dialog Box


Click [Yes] in the dialog box. The [Individual FAA Assemble Options] tab will be displayed.

You can set FAA assemble options for the FAA assembly source file by setting the necessary properties in this tab.


Note that this tab takes over the settings of the [Common Options] tab and [FAA Assemble Options] tab by default except the properties shown below.


[Output folder] in the [Output File] category