
[Build Options] tab

This tab shows the detailed information on the build tool categorized by the following and the configuration can be changed.


(1)[Build Mode]


(3)[Build Method]

(4)[Path of Tools]



For details on compiler driver options, refer to "MULTI: Building Applications for Embedded V850 and RH850" released by Green Hills Software, LLC. Please do not contact Green Hills Software, LLC with any inquiries about the CCRH850 build-tool plugin of CS+.

Caution 1.

This tab is displayed only when the current project has been created with [Using Existing GHS Project File(GHS CCRH850)] selected as the project type.

Caution 2.

If you have upgraded the GHS compiler version, confirm the setting of the [Compiler package folder] property from the [Path of Tools] category.

[Description of each category]


[Build Mode]

The detailed information on the build mode is displayed and the configuration can be changed.

Build mode

Select the build mode to be used during a build.

Note that this property is not applied to [Reset All to Default] from the context menu.



How to change

Select from the drop-down list.



Runs a build with the default build mode that is set when a new project is created.

Build mode that is added to the project

Runs a build with the build mode that is added to the project (other than DefaultBuild).

Change property value for all build modes at once

Select whether to reflect the value newly set to all build modes when a value is set in this property.

Be careful since the value set may not be an appropriate value for other build modes.



How to change

Select from the drop-down list.



Reflects the value newly set to all build modes when a value is set in this property.


Does not reflect the value newly set to all build modes when a value is set in this property.



The detailed information on the build is displayed and the configuration can be changed.

MULTI project file to be built

Specify the MULTI project file referred when building a project.

This is common to all the build modes.

The following placeholders are supported.

%ActiveProjectDir%: Replaces with the absolute path of the active project folder.

%ActiveProjectName%: Replaces with the active project name.

%BuildModeName%: Replaces with the build mode name.

%MainProjectDir%: Replaces with the absolute path of the main project folder.

%MainProjectName%: Replaces with the main project name.

%MicomToolPath%: Replaces with the absolute path of the install folder of this product.

%ProjectDir%: Replaces with the absolute path of the project folder.

%ProjectName%: Replaces with the project name.

%TempDir%: Replaces with the absolute path of the temporary folder.

%WinDir%: Replaces with the absolute path of the Windows system folder.

Specify at least one of this property or [MULTI top project file to be built] property.



How to change

Directly enter in the text box or edit by the Specify MULTI Project File dialog box which appears when clicking the [...] button.


Up to 259 characters

MULTI top project file to be built

Specify the MULTI top project file referred when building a project.

This is common to all the build modes.

The following placeholders are supported.

%ActiveProjectDir%: Replaces with the absolute path of the active project folder.

%ActiveProjectName%: Replaces with the active project name.

%BuildModeName%: Replaces with the build mode name.

%MainProjectDir%: Replaces with the absolute path of the main project folder.

%MainProjectName%: Replaces with the main project name.

%MicomToolPath%: Replaces with the absolute path of the install folder of this product.

%ProjectDir%: Replaces with the absolute path of the project folder.

%ProjectName%: Replaces with the project name.

%TempDir%: Replaces with the absolute path of the temporary folder.

%WinDir%: Replaces with the absolute path of the Windows system folder.

Specify at least one of this property or [MULTI project file to be built] property.

This corresponds to the -top option of the gbuild command.



How to change

Directly enter in the text box or edit by the Specify MULTI Project File dialog box which appears when clicking the [...] button.


Up to 259 characters

Additional option on cleaning

Specify the additional option to the command line when cleaning a project.

This is common to all the build modes.



How to change

Directly enter in the text box or edit by the Character String Input dialog box which appears when clicking the [...] button.


Up to 259 characters


[Build Method]

The detailed information on the build method is displayed and the configuration can be changed.

Build in parallel

Select whether to enable the parallel build facility.

The parallel build facility enables CS+ to compile/assemble multiple source files in parallel using all processors mounted on the computer. This speeds up compilation/assemble.

In addition, parallel build between projects can be set by selecting [Tool] menu >> [Option] and then making a setting in the [General - Build] category of the Option dialog box.

This corresponds to the -parallel option of the gbuild command.



How to change

Select from the drop-down list.



Enables the parallel build facility.


Disables the parallel build facility.


[Path of Tools]

The detailed information on the path of tools is displayed and the configuration can be changed.

Compiler package folder

Specify the folder of the compiler package to be used.

This is common to all the build modes.



How to change

Directly enter in the text box or edit by the Browse For Folder dialog box which appears when clicking the [...] button.


Up to 247 characters

Executable file name for building

Specify the executable file name for building.

This is common to all the build modes.



How to change

Directly enter in the text box or edit by the Character String Input dialog box which appears when clicking the [...] button.


Up to 259 characters



The detailed information on notes is displayed and the configuration can be changed.


Add memos to the build tool.

Add one item in one line.

This setting is common to all the build modes.

The specified memo is displayed as the subproperty.



How to change

Edit by the Text Edit dialog box which appears when clicking the [...] button.

For the subproperty, you can enter directly in the text box.


Up to 256 characters

Up to 256 items can be specified.