Port output enable 3 (POE3)
Below is a list of API functions output by the Code Generator for port output enable 3 use.
Table 3.15 API Functions: [Port Output Enable 3]
API Function Name |
Function |
Performs initialization necessary to control the port output enable 3. | |
Performs user-defined initialization relating to the port output enable 3. | |
Performs processing in response to the output enable interrupt n (OEIn). | |
Places the MTU's complementary PWM output pins in the high-impedance state. | |
Releases the R_POE3_Stop MTU's complementary PWM output pins from the high-impedance state. | |
Sets the high-impedance state for the MTUn pins. | |
Clear the high-impedance state for the MTUn pins. | |
Sets the high-impedance state for the GPTn pins. | |
Clear the high-impedance state for the GPTn pins. |