20.20 Alarm Handler Information (alarm_handl[])
Here, each alarm handler is defined.
Parentheses < >show the user input part.
 alarm_hand[ <1. ID number> ] {
     name           = <2. ID name (name)>;
     entry_address  = <3. Alarm handler entry address (entry_address)>;
     exinf          = <4. Extended information (exinf)>;

1 ) ID number
- Description
Define the alarm handler ID number.
- Definition format
Numeric value
- Definition range
From 1 to 255
- When omitting
The cfg600px assigns the ID number automatically.
2 ) ID name (name)
- Description
Define the ID name. The specified ID name is output to the system information header file (kernel_id.h) in the form of the following.
 #define   <ID name>   <ID number>
- Definition format
- Definition range
- When omitting
Cannot be omitted.
3 ) Alarm handler entry address (entry_address)
- Description
Define the starting function of the alarm handler.
- Definition format
- Definition range
- When omitting
Cannot be omitted.
4 ) Extended information (exinf)
- Description
Define the extended information of the alarm handler.
- Definition format
Numeric value
- Definition range
From 0 to 0xFFFFFFFF
- When omitting
The set value in the default system configuration file (factory setting: 0) applied.
- Note
The extended information is passed to the alarm handler.