

-SYmbol_forbid [V2.01.00 or later]

This option suppresses link-time optimization of specific symbols.

[Specification format]

-SYmbol_forbid=symbol[, ...]



Interpretation when omitted


[Detailed description]


This option suppresses link-time optimization of specific symbols.


Specify the variable names or function names you wish not to delete in link-time optimization with symbol. For a variable name or function name defined in the C language, add prefix "_" to the definition name in the program.


Variables or functions that are referenced by the variables or functions that were specified by symbol are also not deleted.


If this option is specified more than once, all specifications will be valid.


An error will occur in any of the following cases.


When the specified symbol cannot be found


When symbol is not specified


A warning will be output and this option ignored in the following case.


When the -nooptimize option is specified

[Example of use]


To suppress link-time optimization of the C-language function "sub()", describe as:

>rlink a.obj b.obj -optimize -symbol_forbid=_sub