2.4.5 Use code outlining

When a C/C++ source file or a header file is opened, the code outlining function allows you to expand and collapse source code blocks so that you can concentrate on the areas of code which you are currently modifying or debugging.

This is achieved by clicking an outline mark to the left of the source code.

Figure 2.8

Outline Mark of Code


This function is disabled when the Mixed display mode is selected.


To disable this function, unselect the [Enable code outlining] check box in the [Text Editor - General / Debug] category of the Option dialog box (the outline marks will be hidden).


Types of source code blocks that can be expanded or collapsed are:

Open and close braces ('{' and '}')


Multi-line comments ('/*' and '*/')


Pre-processor statements ('if', 'elif', 'else', 'endif')





Expanding and collapsing preprocessor statements is not possible unless the source and header files are registered with the project.