
[Device Top View Settings] tab

This panel allows you to view the information on and change the setting for the node selected in the Project Tree panel.

Figure A.6

[Device Top View Settings] Tab


The following items are explained here.

[How to open]


On the Project Tree panel, select [Project name (Project)] >> [Pin Configurator (Design Tool)] >> [Device Top View], and then select [Property] from the [View] menu.


On the Project Tree panel, select [Project name (Project)] >> [Pin Configurator (Design Tool)] >> [Device Top View], and then select [Property] from the context menu.


If this panel is already open, selecting a different [Device Top View] in the Project Tree panel changes the content displayed accordingly.

[Description of each area]


[Color] category

Select the display colors to differentiate the pin groups (Power pins, Special pins, etc.) in the device top view.

Power pins

Selects the display color for power pins (pins whose use is limited to power).

Special pins

Selects the display color for special pins (pins with specified uses).

Unused pins

Selects the display color for unused pins (dual-use pins with no use set in the Device Pin List panel).

Used pins

Selects the display color for used pins (dual-use pins with a use set in the Device Pin List panel).


Selects the display color of the microcontroller.

Highlight color for a selected pin

Selects the background color of a pin selected in the Device Pin List panel, on the [Pin Number] tab.

Highlight color for macro pins

Selects the background color of pins selected in the Device Pin List panel, on the [Macro] tab.

Highlight color for external peripheral pins

Selects the background color of pins selected in the Device Pin List panel, on the [External Peripheral] tab.



[Tool Tip] category

Select whether to display a tooltip with information about a pin when the mouse cursor is moved over the pin in the device top view.


Selects whether to display a tooltip with information about a pin when the mouse cursor is moved over the pin.

Display all

Displays the "Description", "Recommend Connection for Unused", and "Attention" strings for the device pin list.

Description / recommended connection for unused pin only

Displays the "Description", and "Recommend Connection for Unused" strings for the device pin list.

Attention only

Displays the "Attention" string for the device pin list.

Not display

Hides tooltips when the mouse cursor hovers over a pin.



[Pin Name Display] category

Select whether to display additional information about the pin in the device top view.

Define name

Selects whether to display the "Define Name" string of the device pin list appended to the pin in the device top view.


Displays the "Define Name" string of the device pin list in appended format.

Not display

Hides the "Define Name" string of the device pin list.

Pin function

Selects whether to also display unselected functions in the device top view when a function has been selected from the device pin list's "Function" feature.

Display all

Displays functions selected via the device pin list's "Function" feature in parentheses.

Selected function only

Only display functions selected via the device pin list's "Function" feature in the device top view.