Under certain conditions, compilation with -merge_files or -whole_program specified as the translation unit of code that includes union-type variables will produce error code F0530800 or warning code W0530811.
If all of the following conditions are satisfied, error code F0530800 or warning code W0530811 will be produced.
A union-type external variable having two or more members has been initialized outside any function, and, other than the members that have been initialized, a member has an alignment and size larger than the other member or members. |
(The variable described in (2) above is declared as extern for reference by either of the following. |
(3-1) Source files other than the one in which the definition of external variable described in (2) exists.
(3-2) Header files included directly or indirectly by the source files other than the one in which the definition of external variable described in (2) exists.