
[Connect Settings] tab

The [Connect Settings] tab displays detailed information for each category shown below and changes settings made on it.


(1) [Internal ROM/RAM]

(2) [Endian] [Simulator]

(3) [Clock]

(4) [Connection with Emulator] [E1] [E20]

(5) [Connection with Target Board] [E1] [E20]

(6) [E2 Expansion Interface] [E2]

(7) [Flash] [E1] [E20]

(8) [Operating Modes of CPU] [E1] [E20]

(9) [External Flash] [E1] [E20]

(10) [Peripheral Function Simulation] [Simulator]

[Description of each category]


[Internal ROM/RAM]

Displays detailed information on internal ROM/RAM.

Size of internal ROM[Kbytes]

Displays the internal ROM size of a selected microcontroller.



For products with internal ROM

Internal ROM size of a selected microcontroller


For ROM-less products


How to change

Not changeable

Size of internal RAM[Kbytes]

Displays the internal RAM size of a selected microcontroller.


Internal RAM size of a selected microcontroller

How to change

Not changeable

Size of DataFlash memory[Kbytes]

[E1] [E20]

Displays the size of the data flash memory area of a selected microcontroller.


Data flash memory size of a selected microcontroller

How to change

Not changeable


[Endian] [Simulator]

Displays detailed information on CPU endian and modifies its settings.

Endian of CPU

Displays the microcontroller's endian.

The endian information set in properties of the build tool is acquired for display here.


Little-endian data

How to change


For the build & debug tool

Not changeable


For the debug tool only

By selecting from the drop-down list
However, changeable only when disconnected from the debug tool

Specifiable value


One of the following as selected from the drop-down list:

Little-endian data or big-endian data



This category displays detailed information on clock and changes clock settings.

Main clock source
[E1] [E20]


For products with internal HOCO

Specify the main clock from the EXTAL frequency and internal HOCO.


For products without internal HOCO

Displays EXTAL frequency as the main clock.



How to change

By selecting from the drop-down list

However, changeable only when disconnected from the debug tool

Specifiable value


Main clock operates as EXTAL frequency.


Main clock operates as internal HOCO.

Main clock frequency[MHz]

Specify EXTAL frequency in MHz units.

Note that this property is enabled only when [EXTAL] is specified in the [Main clock source [E1] [E20]] property.



How to change

By entering directly from the keyboard

However, changeable only when disconnected from the debug tool

Specifiable value

0.0001 to 99.9999 (in MHz)

Operating frequency[MHz]

Specify the Operating frequency (ICLK) in MHz units.



How to change

By entering directly from the keyboard

Specifiable value

0.0001 to 999.999 (in MHz)

Allow to change the clock source on writing internal flash memory

[E1] [E20]

Specify whether or not to allow manipulation of the main clock source by debugger when internal flash memory is rewritten.



How to change

By selecting from the drop-down list

However, changeable only when disconnected from the debug tool

Specifiable value


Manipulation of the main clock source is allowed.


Manipulation of the main clock source is not allowed.

System clock (ICLK) frequency[MHz]


Specify the CPU's operating clock frequency.


Depends on the selected microcontroller

How to change

By entering directly from the keyboard

However, changeable only when disconnected from the debug tool

Specifiable value

An integer in the range 1 to 1,000. (in MHz)


[Connection with Emulator] [E1] [E20]

Emulator serial No.

Select the serial No. of the emulator to be connected.Note



How to change

By selecting from the drop-down list

However, changeable only when disconnected from the debug tool

Specifiable value

Depends on the emulator used.


When E1(JTAG) or E1(Serial) is selected in the debug tool used, serial Nos. of E1 emulator are enumerated. Similarly, when E20(Serial) or E20(JTAG) is selected, serial Nos. of E20 emulator are enumerated.
If an attempt is made to connect the emulator when this category is blank, the serial number of the emulator that is found first by search will be automatically selected and connection is made. The serial number of the emulator that is automatically selected in such a case will not be saved in the project information.


[Connection with Target Board] [E1] [E20]

This category displays detailed information on a state of connection with the target board and changes connection settings.

Power target from the emulator (MAX 200mA) [E1] [E20]

Specify whether power is supplied from E1 to the target system.

The E20 does not support the power supply function. Therefore, the displayed property value is [No].



How to change


For [E1]

By selecting from the drop-down list
However, changeable only when disconnected from the debug tool


For [E20]

Not changeable

Specifiable value


Power is supplied.


Power is not supplied.

Interface for supplying the power


Select the interface for supplying the power to the target board from the emulator.




Select from the drop-down list.

Available values


Uses the user interface.

E2 expansion I/F

Uses the E2 expansion interface.

Supply voltage


Specify the voltage supplied from E1 to the target board.

Note that this property is displayed only when you selected [Yes] in the [Power target from the emulator (MAX 200mA) [E1] [E20]] property.



How to change


[E1][E2 Lite]

By selecting from the drop-down list.

However, changeable only when disconnected from the debug tool.



Select from the drop-down list or directly enter from the keyboard.

Specifiable value



One of the following as selected from the drop-down list: Note

3.3V, 5.0V


[E2 Lite]




Directly enter the numbers ranged below
1.8 to 5.0 (unit: V)

Communication method

Displays the communication method to be connected when communication between the emulator and the CPU on target system is performed.



[E1(JTAG)] [E20(JTAG)]



[E1(Serial)] [E20(Serial)]



[E2 Lite][E2]


How to change


[E1] [E20]

Not changeable


[E2 Lite][E2]

Not changeable or by selecting from the drop-down list

Whether this property can be changed differs with the type of the selected microcontroller and the communication method. See "2.2.1 Confirm the connection to a host machine" for the relationship between types of the microcontroller and the communication method.

Specifiable value


[E2 Lite][E2]


JTAG clock [MHz]



Specify JTAG communication speed between the emulator and the CPU on target system.

Note that this property is displayed only when [JTAG] is specified in the [Communication method] property.



[E1(JTAG)] [E20(JTAG)]



[E2 Lite]





How to change

By selecting from the drop-down list

However, changeable only when disconnected from the debug tool

Specifiable value


One of the following as selected from the drop-down list:


[E1(JTAG)] [E20(JTAG)]

16.5, 12.38, 6.188, 3.094, 1.547


[E2 Lite]

6.00, 3.00, 1.50



16.5, 12.5, 6.25, 3.125, 1.562

FINE baud rate[bps]



Specify FINE communication speed between the emulator and the CPU on target system.

Note that this property is displayed only when [FINE] is specified in the [Communication method] property.



[E1(Serial)] [E20(Serial)][E2]



[E2 Lite]


How to change

By selecting from the drop-down list

However, changeable only when disconnected from the debug tool

Specifiable value


One of the following as selected from the drop-down list:


[E1(Serial)] [E20(Serial)][E2]

2000000, 750000, 500000, 250000


[E2 Lite]

1500000, 750000, 500000, 250000


The specifiable voltage value differs with each selected microcontroller.


[E2 Expansion Interface] [E2]

The detailed information on the E2 expansion interface is displayed and its configuration can be changed.

Interface for supplying the power


Select whether to use the E2 expansion interface.


No use


Select from the drop-down list.

Available values

No use

Does not use the E2 expansion interface.

Use the power supplied from the target

Uses the E2 expansion interface by the power supplied from the target.

Use supplied power from the emulator

Uses the E2 expansion interface by the supplied power from the emulator.


[Flash] [E1] [E20]

This category displays detailed information on flash memory rewriting and changes rewrite settings.

Save ID code

Specify whether the value of the [ID Code] property is to be saved or not.

If this property is changed to [No], the value of the [ID Code] property will be changed to the default value.



How to change

By selecting from the drop-down list

However, changeable only when disconnected from the debug tool

Specifiable value


The value of the [ID Code] property is saved.


The value of the [ID Code] property is not saved.

Input Mode of ID code

Specify ID code input mode.


ID code specified in 32 hexadecimal digits

How to change

By selecting from the drop-down list

However, changeable only when disconnected from the debug tool

Specifiable value

Specify the ID code as a 32-digit hexadecimal

Enter ID code in 32 hexadecimal digits.

Specify the ID code as an ASCII code within 16 characters

Enter ID code within 16 ASCII characters.

ID code

Enter the ID code to release the flash memory from the protected state.



For [Specify the ID code as a 32-digit hexadecimal]



For [Specify the ID code as an ASCII code within 16 characters]


How to change

By entering directly from the keyboard

However, changeable only when disconnected from the debug tool

Specifiable value


For [Specify the ID code as a 32-digit hexadecimal]

32 hexadecimal digits

To enter the ID code as a 32-digit hexadecimal value, arrange it as a sequence of 32-bit units of data.

In the example below, the code to be entered is 00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff.

const unsigned long __OSISreg[4] = {






Byte order of the ID code of the flash programmer can be different from that of CS+. Please confirm the specification about ID code of the flash programmer you’re using.


For [Specify the ID code as an ASCII code within 16 characters]

16 ASCII code characters (if less than 16 characters, 0s are added)

Work RAM start address

Specify the location address of the work RAM used by the debugger.

Specify an address value that is a multiple of four bytes. If the entered value is not a multiple of four bytes, the value is automatically corrected.

Specified bytes of space from the specified work RAM location address are used by the debugger firmware. Note


Depends on the selected microcontroller

How to change

By entering directly from the keyboard

However, changeable only when disconnected from the debug tool

Specifiable value

Address value that matches the internal RAM area of the selected microcontroller

Work RAM size[bytes]

Displays the size of the work RAM used by the debugger.


Depends on the selected microcontroller

How to change

Not changeable


The work RAM area can also be used by the user program because the emulator saves and restores data in this area. Note, however, that the work RAM area is not specifiable as:
the destination or origin of a DMA or DTC transfer, an address where a DTC vector table or transfer information is to be allocated, or the interrupt vector for a DMAC or DTC activation source.


[Operating Modes of CPU] [E1] [E20]

Displays detailed information on the microcontroller's operation modes or changes settings made in it.

Mode pins setting

Specify the operation mode set by mode pins.


Single-chip mode

How to change

By selecting from the drop-down list

However, changeable only when disconnected from the debug tool

Specifiable value


One of the following as selected from the drop-down list: Note 1


[E1] [E20]

Single-chip mode or user boot mode

Allow erasing the USB boot program

[E1] [E20]

Specify whether to erase the USB boot program in the user boot area when you are starting up the emulator in the user boot mode by using a microcontroller in which the USB boot program is stored.

This property is displayed only when [User boot mode] is selected for the [Mode pins setting] property. Note that this is not displayed for an microcontroller in which the USB boot program in the user boot area does not need to be erased when you are starting up the emulator.



How to change

By selecting from the drop-down list

However, changeable only when disconnected from the debug tool

Specifiable value


Allows erasing the USB boot program in the user boot area


Does not allow erasing the USB boot program in the user boot area

Register setting

Specify the operation mode set by registers.


Single-chip mode

How to change

By selecting from the drop-down list

However, changeable only when disconnected from the debug tool

Specifiable value


One of the following as selected from the drop-down list: Note 1


[E1] [E20]

Single-chip mode, on-chip ROM enabled extended mode or on-chip ROM disabled extended mode


Displays the project's endian. Note 2


Little-endian data

How to change


For the build & debug tool

Not changeable


For the debug tool only

By selecting from the drop-down list
However, changeable only when disconnected from the debug tool

Specifiable value


One of the following as selected from the drop-down list:

Little-endian data or big-endian data

Change the start bank

[RX651-2M, RX65N-2M, RX671, RX72M, RX66N, and RX72N Groups]

Specify whether to change the start bank before connecting to the debug tool.



How to change

By selecting from the drop-down list

Specifiable value


Changes the start bank.


Does not change the start bank.

Start bank

[RX651-2M, RX65N-2M, RX671, RX72M, RX66N, and RX72N Groups]

Specify the start bank to be changed before connecting to the debug tool.


Bank 0

How to change

By selecting from the drop-down list

Specifiable value


One of the following as selected from the drop-down list:

Bank 0, Bank 1

Note 1.

The specifiable operation mode differs with each selected microcontroller.

Note 2.

If a microcontroller with an MDE pin is selected, be sure that the project's endian and the microcontroller's MDE pin state match. If endians are different, the project and microcontroller cannot be connected correctly.


[External Flash] [E1] [E20]

Displays detailed information on external flash or changes settings made in it.

External flash definition file

Specify an external flash definition file. Note

The number of external flash definition files that can be registered is displayed as a main property.

This property is expanded to display the file name, address range and download conditions as sub-properties. If no external flash definition files are registered, sub-properties other than File are not displayed.



Main item





How to change


Main item

Not changeable




By selecting in the External flash memory dialog box [E1] [E20]
The External flash memory dialog box is opened by clicking the [...] button that is displayed at the right edge in the column of this property when it is selected.
<Start address>

Not changeable

<End address>

Not changeable

<Erase external flash ROM before download>

By selecting from the drop-down list

However, changeable only when disconnected from the debug tool

Specifiable value


The external flash ROM is erased before downloading.


The external flash ROM is not erased before downloading.

Display content


Main item

Number of external flash definition files



By clicking the "+" mark of an external flash definition file, the definition file name, start and end addresses, and whether to erase the external flash ROM before downloading are displayed for each index ([1] to [4]).


Any settings made in this section are not reflected when the microcontroller is operating in single-chip mode.


[Peripheral Function Simulation] [Simulator]

Displays detailed information on peripheral function simulation or changes settings made in it.

Peripheral function simulation module

Displays usable peripheral function simulation modules, allowing to specify whether or not to use.



Main item

<Number of usable peripheral function simulation modules>



<Peripheral function simulation module name>

Not use

How to change


Main item

Not changeable



Peripheral function simulation module names not changeable
Whether or not to use a peripheral function simulation module is specified by selecting from the drop-down list
However, changeable only when disconnected from the debug tool

Specifiable value


Peripheral function simulation module is used.

Not Use

Peripheral function simulation module is not used.

Display content


Main item

Number of usable peripheral function simulation modules



Peripheral function simulation module name
Usage status of peripheral function simulation module

Peripheral clock rate

Specify the ratio of peripheral clock to internal clock (how many internal clocks one peripheral clock is equivalent).



How to change

By selecting from the drop-down list

Specifiable value


One of the following as selected from the drop-down list:

1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 24, 32, 64