1.2 Features

The following are the editor features provided by CS+.



Display and editing of the contents of files
The contents of text files and C/C++ source files can be displayed/edited.


Support of the code outlining
For a C/C++ source file, this function allows you to expand and collapse source code blocks so that you can concentrate on the areas of code which you are currently modifying or debugging.


Mixed display of C/C++ source text and disassembled text
By connecting to the debug tool, the C/C++ source text and the disassembled text can be displayed together on the same panel.


Source level debugging and instruction level debugging
By connecting to the debug tool, the C/C++ source file can be debugged either at the source or the instruction level.


Display of the code coverage measurement result
By connecting to the debug tool that supports the coverage function, the code coverage measurement result can be displayed.