

< Assembler Command Options / Microcontroller Options >





This option generates a relocatable object that was generated without using the PID register.


If the PID register is used in the assembly-language source file, error message E0552058 will be output. Specifying this option, however, does not lead to an error if a substitute register defined in the assembler specifications is used as the PID register.


A master program called by an application program in which the PID function is enabled needs to be assembled with this option. At this time, if the fint_register option is selected in the application program, the same parameter fint_register should also be selected in the master program.



If the nouse_pid_register option and pid option are selected simultaneously, error F0553103 will be output.


If a register specified by the nouse_pid_register option is also specified by the base option, error F0553112 will be output.


For the PID function, also refer to Usage of PIC/PID Function.