2.4.1 Open a project

Use the following method to open a project.


Open an existing project

Existing projects are opened by specifying the project file.

From the [Project] menu, select [Open Project...], the Open Project dialog box will open.

Figure 2.15

Open Project Dialog Box


On the dialog box, specify the project file and click the [Open] button.


When CS+ is not running, you can start CS+ and load a project by double-clicking on that project in Explorer.


The name of a network path cannot be used. Assign the name of a path on a drive.


Open a recently used project

You can directly open the most recently used projects (from the most recent to the fourth most recent) from the menu.

From the [File] menu, select [Recent Projects], the path of the recently used projects will display in a cascading menu in order from most recent to fourth most recent. Select the project you wish to open.

Figure 2.16

[Recent Projects] Item


Open a project from the favorites menu

Open a project registered on the favorites menu.

From the [Project] menu, select [Favorite Projects], the path of the projects registered on the favorites menu is displayed as a cascading menu. Select the project you wish to open.

Figure 2.17

[Favorite Projects] Item