2.4.2 Output an assemble list

The assemble list (the code of the assemble result) is output to the assemble list file.

Select the build tool node on the project tree and select the [Compile Options] tab on the Property panel.

To output the assemble list file, select [Yes(-asm_option=-prn_path)] in the [Output assemble list file] property in the [Assemble List] category.

Figure 2.13

[Output assemble list file] Property


When outputting the assemble list file, you can set the output folder and output file name.


Set the output folder

Setting the output folder is made with the [Output folder for assemble list file] property by directly entering in the text box or by the [...] button.

This property supports the following placeholder.

%BuildModeName%: Replaces with the build mode name.

"%BuildModeName%" is set by default.


The file name will be the source file name with the extension replaced by ".prn".


See "CC-RL Compiler Users Manual" for details about the assemble list file.