2.4.3 Output map information

The map information (the information of the link result) is output to the link map file.

Select the build tool node on the project tree and select the [Link Options] tab on the Property panel.

To output the link map file, set the [Output link map file] property in the [List] category.


Output information according to the output format

Select [Yes(List contents=not specify)(-LISt -SHow)] or [Yes(List contents=ALL)(-LISt -SHow=ALL)] in the [Output link map file] property.

Figure 2.14

[Output link map file] Property (When Information According To Output Format Is Output)



See "CC-RL Compiler Users Manual" for differences between the -SHow and -SHow=ALL options.


Specify information to be output

Select [Yes(List contents=specify)(-LISt)] in the [Output link map file] property. The following property will be displayed.


[Output symbol information] property


[Output number of symbol reference] property


[Output cross reference information] property


[Output total sizes of sections] property


[Output vector information] property


Select [Yes] for each output information property.

Figure 2.15

[Output link map file] Property (When Information To Be Output Is Specified)


The link map file is output to the project folder.

It is also shown on the project tree, under the Build tool generated files node.

Specify the file name in the [Output file name] property.


See "CC-RL Compiler Users Manual" for details about the link map file.