5.1.9 Selection of Optimum Branch Instruction


Unconditional Relative Branch (BRA) Instruction


Specifiable Branch Distance Specifiers

.S 3-bit PC relative (PC + pcdsp:3, 3 pcdsp:3 10)

.B 8-bit PC relative (PC + pcdsp:8, 128 pcdsp:8 127)

.W 16-bit PC relative (PC + pcdsp:16, 32768 pcdsp:16 32767)

.A 24-bit PC relative (PC + pcdsp:24, 8388608 pcdsp:24 8388607)

.L Register relative (PC + Rs, 2147483648 Rs 2147483647)


The register relative distance is selected only when a register is specified as an operand; it is not used automatically through optimum selection.


Optimum Selection


The assembler selects the shortest branch distance when the operand of an unconditional relative branch instruction satisfies the conditions for optimum branch selection. For the conditions, refer to section 5.1.4 (3) Branch Distance Specifier.


When the operand does not satisfy the conditions, the assembler selects the 24-bit PC relative distance (.A).


Relative Subroutine Branch (BSR) Instruction


Specifiable Branch Distance Specifier

.W 16-bit PC relative (PC + pcdsp:16, 32768 pcdsp:16 32767)

.A 24-bit PC relative (PC + pcdsp:24, 8388608 pcdsp:24 8388607)

.L Register relative (PC + Rs, 2147483648 Rs 2147483647)


The register relative distance is selected only when a register is specified as an operand; it is not used automatically through optimum selection.


Optimum Selection


The assembler selects the shortest branch distance when the operand of a relative subroutine branch instruction satisfies the conditions for optimum branch selection. For the conditions, refer to section 5.1.4 (3) Branch Distance Specifier.


When the operand does not satisfy the conditions, the assembler selects the 24-bit PC relative distance (.A).


Conditional Branch (BCnd) Instruction


Specifiable Branch Distance Specifiers

BEQ.S 3-bit PC relative (PC + pcdsp:3, 3 pcdsp:3 10)

BNE.S 3-bit PC relative (PC + pcdsp:3, 3 pcdsp:3 10)

BCnd.B 8-bit PC relative (PC + pcdsp:8, 128 pcdsp:8 127)

BEQ.W 16-bit PC relative (PC + pcdsp:16, 32768 pcdsp:16 32767)

BNE.W 16-bit PC relative (PC + pcdsp:16, 32768 pcdsp:16 32767)


Optimum Selection


When the operand of a conditional branch instruction satisfies the conditions for optimum branch selection, the assembler generates the optimum code for the conditional branch instruction by replacing it with a combination of a conditional branch instruction with an inverted logic (condition) and an unconditional relative branch instruction with an optimum branch distance.


When the operand does not satisfy the conditions, the assembler selects the 8-bit PC relative distance (.B) or 16-bit PC relative distance (.W).


Conditional Branch Instructions to Be Replaced and Corresponding Instruction Replacements

Table 5.28

Replacement Rules of Conditional Branch Instructions

Conditional Branch Instruction

Instruction Replacement

Conditional Branch Instruction

Instruction Replacement


BC ..xx
BRA.A dest

BC/BGEU dest

BNC ..xx
BRA.A dest

BLEU dest

BGTU ..xx
BRA.A dest

BGTU dest

BLEU ..xx
BRA.A dest

BNZ/BNE dest

BZ ..xx
BRA.A dest

BZ/BEQ dest

BNZ ..xx
BRA.A dest

BPZ dest

BN ..xx
BRA.A dest

BO dest

BNO ..xx
BRA.A dest

BGT dest

BLE ..xx
BRA.A dest

BLE dest

BGT ..xx
BRA.A dest

BGE dest

BLT ..xx
BRA.A dest

BLT dest

BGE ..xx
BRA.A dest


In this table, the branch distance in unconditional relative branch instructions is a 24bit PC relative value.
The "..xx" label and the unconditional relative branch instruction are processed within the assembler; only the resultant code is output to the source list file.