This dialog box is used to specify the range for skipping step execution.
This section describes the following.
On the [Debug Tool Settings] tab of the Property panel, click the [...] button displayed by selecting the [Target section] property in the [Step function] category. |
This area is used to display the list of the range for skipping step execution.
To add a new section, click the [Add] button in this area, then in the [Specified section property] area, specify the sections to add.
Moves the selected section up one row in the list. Clicking this for the top section in the list has no effect. |
Moves the selected section down one row in the list. Clicking this for the bottom section in the list has no effect. |
Adds an empty item "-" to the list, and selects it. Specify the section to add in the [Specified section property] area. |
This area is used to display or edit the section selected in the [Specified section list] area.
It can also be used to specify the new sections added via the [Add] button.
Finishes configuring the target sections, and closes this dialog box. |
Cancels any changes to the target sections, and closes this dialog box. |