2.3.4 Create a project for multi-core [RH850]

A project for multi-core consists of a boot loader project and an application project. The application project creates programs for each CPU core, and the boot loader project manages activation of those programs.

The following shows how to create a project for multi-core by specifying the boot loader project and the application project as the main and subprojects, respectively.


On the tool bar, click to open the Start panel.

Figure 2.11

Start Panel


Click the [GO] button in the [Create New Multi-core Project] area to open the Create Project dialog box.


The [Create New Multi-core Project] area is minimized by default; click to resize the area.

Figure 2.12

Create Project Dialog Box (When First Started)


Set the items in the order below.


Confirm the microcontroller type

[RH850] is selected on [Microcontroller].


Select the microcontroller

Select the microcontroller to use in the project on the [Using microcontroller] area.

If your microcontroller is not in the [Using microcontroller] area, click the [Update...] button.

You can open the CS+ Update Manager window, and check for microcontroller information updates via the network.


The [Update...] button is only enabled when this product is installed using the installer. It is disabled when a packaged item is being used.


Confirm the project type

[Boot Loader for Multi-core(CC-RH)] is selected on [Kind of project].


Specify the project name and location to create the project file

Specify the name of the project and the location to create the project file in [Project name] and [Place].

If you dont create a folder with the project name under the specified location, clear the [Make the project folder] check box.


When directly entering the location to create the project file, enter it as an absolute path.


Specify simultaneous creation of a structure of startup files for each core

When simultaneously creating a structure of startup files for each core, select the [Create a structure of startup files including main functions for each core.] check box.

When the [Create a structure of startup files including main functions for each core.] check box has been selected, select either of the following:


Case where a structure of startup files for each core is created as an application project for the number of cores

Select [Create them as application projects].


Case where a single project that includes structures of all startup files is created

Select [Create them as a single project].


An image of the dialog box after setting the items is shown below.

Figure 2.13

Create Project Dialog Box (After Setting Items)


When you click the [Create] button, the project file is created in the location specified in (4) and the structure of the created project is displayed as a tree in the Project Tree panel.

Figure 2.14

Project Tree Panel (After Creating a New Project)


The start-up source files for each project are also created in the project folder and registered in the project tree.


When [Create a structure of startup files including main functions for each core.] check box is not selected

File Name



For defining the processing from the occurrence of a reset to a branch to each application project and defining the interrupt vector table


For defining I/O registers


The core number n is sometimes included in the file name of a startup file for a core.


When [Create a structure of startup files including main functions for each core.] check box and [Create them as application projects] radio button are selected


Start-up source files for the boot loader project

File Name



For defining the processing from the occurrence of a reset to a branch to each application project and defining the interrupt vector table


For defining I/O registers


Start-up source files for the application project

File Name



For defining the start-up routine for each application


For defining I/O registers


For defining the empty main function


The core number n is sometimes included in the file name of a startup file for a core.


When [Create a structure of startup files including main functions for each core.] check box and [Create them as a single project] radio button are selected

File Name



For defining the processing from the occurrence of a reset to a branch to each application project and defining the interrupt vector table


For defining the start-up routine for each application


For defining I/O registers


For defining the empty main function


The core number n is sometimes included in the file name of a startup file for a core.


Remark 1.

The application project name is boot-loader-project-name_App1.

Remark 2.

Add further application projects as subprojects.
See "2.3.3 Add a new subproject" and "2.4.2 Add an existing subproject", for how to add subprojects.