Sets the period of the periodic interrupt (PRD) and allows detection of the PRD.
#include "r_cg_rtc.h"
void R_RTC_Set_ConstPeriodInterruptOn ( rtc_int_period_t period );
rtc_int_period_t period;
Period of the periodic interrupt (PRD).
PES_2_SEC: 2 seconds
PES_1_SEC: 1 second
PES_1_2_SEC: 1/2 second
PES_1_4_SEC: 1/4 second
PES_1_8_SEC: 1/8 second
PES_1_16_SEC: 1/16 second
PES_1_32_SEC: 1/32 second
PES_1_64_SEC: 1/64 second
PES_1_128_SEC: 1/128 second
PES_1_256_SEC: 1/256 second
[Return value]