Renesas Electronics
18.2.2 Task dependent synchronization functions The following shows the service calls provided by the RI600V4 as the task dependent synchronization functions. Table 18-4 Task Dependent Synchronization Functions Service Call Function Useful Range slp_tsk Put task to sleep (waiting forever) Task tslp_tsk Put task to sleep (with time-out) Task wup_tsk Wake-up task Task iwup_tsk Wake-up task Non-task can_wup Cancel task wake-up requests Task ican_wup Cancel task wake-up requests Non-task rel_wai Release task from waiting Task irel_wai Release task from waiting Non-task sus_tsk Suspend task Task isus_tsk Suspend task Non-task rsm_tsk Resume suspended task Task irsm_tsk Resume suspended task Non-task frsm_tsk Forcibly resume suspended task Task ifrsm_tsk Forcibly resume suspended task Non-task dly_tsk Delay task Task