2.8 Run a Build

This section explains operations related to running a build.


Build types

The following types of builds are available.

Table 2.1

Build Types




Out of build target files, runs a build of only updated files.

-> See "2.8.1 Run a build of updated files".


Runs a build of all build target files.

-> See "2.8.2 Run a build of all files".

Rapid build

Runs a build in parallel with the change of the build setting.

-> See "2.8.3 Run a build in parallel with other operations".

Batch build

Runs builds in batch with the build modes that the project has.

-> See "2.8.4 Run builds in batch with build modes".

Remark 1.

Builds are run in the order of subproject, main project.
Subprojects are built in the order that they are displayed on the project tree (see "2.7.3 Change the build order of subprojects").
Note that when the build target project depends on another project, the build of the depended project is run before the target project.
Note that if parallel build between projects (see the [General - Build] category of the Option dialog box) is enabled and also there is no dependency between the projects, the execution order of build is not fixed (i.e. dependent on the environment of the PC in use).

Remark 2.

If there are files being edited with the Editor panel when running a build, rebuild, or batch build, then all these files are saved.


Speeding-up of build

Two types of facilities are provided to speed up build: simultaneous build and parallel build.

The build time can be shortened in simultaneous build by simultaneously compiling or assembling the files with a single call of the build command and in parallel build by executing multiple build commands in parallel.

See "CS+ Integrated Development Environment User’s Manual: Build Tool Operation" for details.


Displaying execution results

The execution results of the build (output messages of the build tool) are displayed in each tab on the Output panel.


Build, rebuild, or batch build
-> [All Messages] tab and [Build Tool] tab


Rapid build
-> [Rapid Build] tab

Figure 2.80

Build Execution Results (Build, Rebuild, or Batch Build)

Figure 2.81

Build Execution Results (Rapid Build)

Remark 1.

The text in the [Rapid Build] tab becomes dimmed.

Remark 2.

When a file name or line number can be obtained from the output messages, if you double click on the message, you can jump to the relevant line in the file.

Remark 3.

If you press the [F1] key when the cursor is on a line displaying the warning or error message, you can display the help related to that line's message.

Remark 4.

A project whose build was skipped because an error occurred in a dependent project is included in the count of projects whose build has failed.


Files generated by the build tool appear under the Build tool generated files node on the Project Tree panel.

Figure 2.82

Build Tool Generated Files


Files displayed under the Build tool generated files node are as follows.


For other than the library project

Load module file (*.abs)

Intel Hex file (*.hex)

Motorola S-record file (*.mot)

Binary file (*.bin)

Link map file (*.map)

Library file (*.lib)

Library list file (*.lbp)

Error message file (*.err)


For the library project

Library file (*.lib)

Error message file (*.err)


The Build tool generated files node is created during build.
This node will no longer appear if you reload the project after building.