This option outputs the list file.

[Specification format]




Interpretation when omitted


[Detailed description]


This option outputs list file file.


An error will occur if the specification of the file name is omitted.

Specified Option

File Type

File Name

-form=library option or -extract option

Library list file

Output file nameNote.lbp

Other than above

Link map file

Output file nameNote.map


If there are two or more output files, this is the first input file name.


Even if the section allocation address exceeds the allowable address range, this option outputs the link map information and symbol information. In this case, "**OVER**" is output. [V1.04 or later]

[Example of use]


To output the link map file to file.map, describe as:

>rlink a.obj b.obj -list=file.map