Device Top View panel

This panel displays the information entered in the Device List View panel.

Figure A.10

Device Top View Panel


The following items are explained here.

[How to open]


On the Project Tree panel, double-click [Project name (Project)] >> [Code Generator (Design Tool)] >> [Pin View] >> [Device Top View].


On the Project Tree panel, select [Project name (Project)] >> [Code Generator (Design Tool)] >> [Pin View] >> [Device Top View], and then press the [Enter] key.


From the [View] menu, select [Code Generator 2] >> [Device Top View].

[Description of each area]



This area consists of the following buttons.


Opens the Save As dialog box for naming and saving a report file (a file containing information configured using Code Generator: device top view).


Rotates the content in the Device top view area 90 degrees clockwise.


Rotates the content in the Device top view area 90 degrees counter-clockwise.


Expands the content in the Device top view area.


Expands or reduces the content in the Device top view area.


Reduces the content in the Device top view area.



Device top view area

This area displays the pin assignment of the microcontroller.

Settings of the pin assignment are displayed using the colors specified by selecting [Device Top View Settings] tab >> [Device top view color setting] in the Property panel.