
This property sets or refers to the link options for the active project regarding other additional options.

[Specification format]

build.Link.AdditionalOptions = option





Set the additional link options as strings.


Additional link options (strings)

[Detailed description]


This property sets or refers to the link options for the active project regarding other additional options.


The options set here are added at the end of the link options group.

[Example of use]

>>>build.Link.AdditionalOptions = "-stack -Total_size"      ... Set multiple options
>>>print build.Link.AdditionalOptions
-stack -Total_size
>>>lopt = build.Link.AdditionalOptions + " -map=file.bls"   ... Refer the current setting and add an option
>>>build.Link.AdditionalOptions = lopt
>>>print build.Link.AdditionalOptions
-stack -Total_size -map=file.bls